Co-Curricular Record

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Visit Career Ready for Co-Curricular Record 

Beyond your academic achievements, your time here at Mohawk College will be filled with opportunities to join, pitch in, lead, manage, follow, participate, communicate, negotiate, volunteer... and much more.

The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is a tool for students to track this experience, or any program or event not formally related to a program of study.

The CCR can be used on and off campus when applying for jobs, awards & scholarships, and to build resumes. Just like an academic transcript, the Co-Curricular Record is verified and approved by Mohawk College staff. The CCR is then stamped and signed by the Vice President, Students, International and Alumni, to acknowledge a student’s non-academic contributions to their campus and community. The CCR can be downloaded and attached to an application to draw attention to demonstrated skills & experiences.


Information for students

Just because an activity is not for credit, doesn’t mean you can’t get credit!

Your Co-Curricular Record helps you track all your non-credit activities during your time at Mohawk College. Employers look for well-rounded prospects with interesting and varied experiences, your Co-Curricular Record becomes a valuable archive of all you have to offer.


What is a Co-Curricular Record?

The Co-Curricular Record is a complete record of your non-academic involvement. Co-curricular activities are social, volunteer, leadership, employment or recreational activities that support and enhance academic learning, the student experience, and student success.

Your CCR can become a valuable component of your career planning and job search.

Your CCR tracks:

  • What activities you participated in
  • Your volunteer hours
  • What learning outcomes you have recorded


To learn more about CCR attend one of our CCR Drop-In Sessions for students.

How to get started

Getting Started is Easy!

To log in to the CCR:

  • Login to Career Ready
  • Click on ‘Login Here' and select 'Student'
  • Click on ‘Co-Curricular Record’ in the sidebar of the Career Ready portal


Once you are logged in to the Co-Curricular Record system, you can add positions or update your volunteer hours.


Video Tutorials

Student Add position to CCR with audio



What is the Co Curricular Record



How to Access the CCR and add a position


How to request a position


How to save, print or customize your CCR

Jumpstart Your CCR (Virtual Workshops & In-Person Drop-ins)

CCR Drop-Ins will be scheduled monthly throughout the year. Please see below for upcoming dates. We are currently offering one-on-one coaching sessions to assist you in adding positions and hours to your Co-Curricular Record to get recognized for all of the great things you do! Contact [at] (student[dot]life[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) to set up an appointment.

Jumpstart Your CCR - Virtual Workshop:

Thurs. Sept. 26 - 11:00am - 12:00pm
 Wed. Oct. 23 - 10:00am - 11:00am
 Tues. Nov. 12 - 1:30pm - 2:30pm
 Mon. Dec. 2 - 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Save your spot to join

In-Person Drop-In:

What Qualifies for your CCR?

 For a program or event to be eligible for your CCR, it must:

  • be approved by a validator or by the Student Life Office (if your program is not listed on the CCR, you can request it though the CCR Position Request Form
  • not be a requirement for any course credit 
  • a campus or community involvement activity
  • be completed and logged in the current academic year (each academic year runs from May 1 to April 30)
  • be submitted for approval by April 30 of the academic year in which you participated in the activity

Community Volunteering 

Are you a student volunteering out in the community? You can now have it documented on your Mohawk College Co-Curricular Record.

Here are the steps that need to be taken to record your community volunteer hours:

  • Login to Career Ready
  • Click on ‘Login Here' and select 'Student'
  • Click on ‘Co-Curricular Record’ in the sidebar of the Career Ready portal
  • Click on "Add position to my record" to check if the position already exists in the CCR Catalogue
  • If the position is unique and does not fit into any of the existing activity options, please complete the CCR Position Request Form
    • When completing the form, please keep in mind:
    • A minimum of 5 hours is required for time tracking if the position is a volunteer experience. 
    • The position description should have a neutral narrative tense.
      e.g. This student volunteered at the annual Alumni Nine & Dine Golf Tournament. They were responsible for event facilitation, tear-down and set up, and other duties as assigned
    •  Please select between 5-10 achievement statements. Students will be asked to choose their learning outcomes from your selection when they add the position to their record. 


Once the form has been submitted, it will be reviewed by Student Life staff. Once approved, requestors will receive a confirmation email, and student volunteers will be able to find your position in the Quick Position Search.

Community Organizations

Community Organizations that would like to assist Mohawk students track volunteer hours on their Co-Curricular Record please contact the Student Life team at [at] (subject: CCR%20-%20Community%20Position) (student[dot]life[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca).

What are Learning Outcomes?

A Guide to Mohawk College’s Co-Curricular Record Learning Outcomes

To encourage a meaningful experience, one of the benefits a volunteer or leadership opportunity must offer is to contribute to one (or more) of Mohawk's Institutional Learning Outcomes.

Simply, the activity must lead to a student’s development in any of several critical areas that contribute to both education and career development.

Mohawk's Institutional Learning Outcomes include:

The activity helps develop the ability to communicate effectively with others of diverse background, values and personalities to develop meaningful relationships, share knowledge, manage conflict, solve problems, and foster positive change.

Your role offers the opportunity to collaborate openly and productively across networks to enhance knowledge, generate innovative ideas, resolve challenges and respond to change.

Critical Thinking & Creative Problem Solving:
The volunteer position recognizes that creativity, problem solving and critical thinking skills can be of benefit to assess risk, make informed decisions and take appropriate timely action.

Continuous Learning:
The volunteer opportunity offers the chance to develop practical knowledge, career- or life-oriented skills; transferable skills and abilities; capacity to use learning technologies to stay current, pursue professional development, and personal renewal opportunities.

  • Personal, Educational & Career Development
  • Technical Competence
  • Adaptability & Flexibility
  • Planning & Organization

Responsible Citizen: 
The activity helps you develop a sense of your role as a citizen; to apply personal, professional and social practices promoting physical, economic and emotional well-being; and also to foster civic engagement.


Co-Curricular Record (CCR)

The CCR is a tool for students to track involvement in programs or events not formally related to a program of study.  


A Validator is a staff member who has access to validate CCR positions.  A position may have multiple validators, and many validators have access to multiple positions.

Learning Outcome

A Learning Outcome is a skill, accomplishment, or attribute that a student practices or exhibits during their involvement. These are reflected when a student adds a position to their record and selects achievement statements.

Achievement Statement

An achievement statement reflects a learning outcome based on a student’s role and duties performed during their experience. When a student adds a position to their record, they must select achievement statements.

e.g.  Used imagination and innovation to arrive at creative solutions

FAQs for Students

1. How do I access my CCR?

  • Login to Career Ready
  • Click on ‘Login Here' and select 'Student'
  • Click on ‘Co-Curricular Record’ in the sidebar of the Career Ready portal


2. How do I add a position to my CCR?

  • Click the “Add a position to my record" button.
  • Type in the name of the position in the search bar.
  • Once you've found the correct position, click on "Add position to my co-curricular record".
  • Select 2-5 achievement statements that reflect your learning outcomes from the volunteer experience.
  • Enter your volunteer hours, if it is a position that requires volunteer hours 
  • Hit "Save Changes" to finish.
    Once the position has been added, it will sit pending until at least 5 hours have been added. Then, the validator will review and approve the positions that have met the 5 hour minimum. All volunteer positions will be validated by the end of the Period.


​*When possible, students should get the name of the position from their staff validator.

3. How do I add hours to a CCR position?

  • Access your list of added positions by selecting “Co-Curricular Record” from the sidebar.
    Note: You can only add hours to positions already listed on your CCR
  • Click the pencil icon beside the position.
  • Click on "Log time",  then click "Add hours".
  • Select the date you volunteered and the number of hours you completed on that date.
  • In the notes section, include the name of the event or description of the volunteer role, and the name of the staff contact.
  • Once complete hit the “Save” button.

If the volunteer experience took place over a number of days, each date must be added to the position separately and must include the name of the event/program and the name of the staff contact in the notes section.

4. How do I download a copy of my CCR?

  • Click on "Co-Curricular Record" in the left menu bar
  • Click on the black circle button on the bottom right of your page and select "Print my Co-Curricular Record"
  • This will download your CCR as a .pdf file for you to save. Once saved, you can print or attach your file


5. What about volunteering or programs that I’m involved with that are not associated with the college? Can those be added to my CCR?

Yes. You can request a community position by filling out a CCR Position Request Form


6. What are achievement statements?

An achievement statement reflects a learning outcome based on your role and duties performed during your experience.
e.g. :

  • Exhibited drive, passion, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude
  • Used imagination and innovation to arrive at creative solutions


 Staff have selected 5-10 achievement statements that they think reflect your potential learning outcomes from participating in the program or event. When you add the position to your own CCR you must choose 2-5 of these achievement statements to reflect your actual personal learning outcomes.


7. Why are my positions listed as pending? How do I get them approved?

Positions are listed as pending when they have been entered by a student but have yet to be approved by a validator. Staff typically enter into the database to validate positions once per month. If you need your CCR positions validated sooner (to apply for jobs or awards), contact the staff validator. If you do not know the validator, contact [at] (subject: CCR%20Position%20-%20Pending%20Status) (Student Life) for assistance.


8. Can I add hours to a position once it’s been approved?

After a position has reached its minimum of 5 hours and is approved by a validator, it can still be edited. Students may continue to add hours to their positions until the end of the period (April 30th of each year). New hours added after validation do not need to be approved.

 Validators review their positions regularly, as well as at the end of each period to ensure that no positions have an incorrect number of hours.

9. Why are some approved positions listed as having zero hours?

Hours are only added to positions that reflect volunteer work. Participatory engagement (e.g. workshops, seminars, clubs, athletics, etc.) can still be reflected on the CCR but are automatically uploaded by Student Life staff with no hours attributed.

10. When is the deadline for adding hours to my CCR?

You can add hours until April 30th of each year. These hours can include any volunteer experience that you had since May of the previous year. (e.g. May 1, 2018- April 30, 2019)

11. Who can I contact if I have questions about my CCR?

Contact Student Life at [at] (student[dot]life[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) 



Information for Faculty and Staff

Helping Students Prepare to Succeed

Faculty and staff are critically important in the Co-Curricular Record (CCR) process. You offer, approve, monitor and otherwise facilitate many of the activities. In many cases, you are advocates of the CCR to your students.

If you are looking for more information and ideas on CCR options contact andrea.brienesse [at] (Andrea Brienesse) for more information

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How to Access the CCR

  • Login to Career Ready
  • Click on ‘Login Here' and select 'Staff/Faculty'
  • Click on ‘Co-Curricular Record’ in the sidebar of the Career Ready portal


You will be able to submit an activity or position for approval, or validate the positions that your students have added.


Criteria for CCR Recognition of a program or event

Opportunities not currently listed on the CCR database can be added upon request. 

In order for an opportunity to be recognized and applied to a Student’s CCR, it must meet the following criteria:

    1. All CCR positions must have an approved validator.
      • While we offer many CCR opportunities through ‘off campus’ employer and community partnerships, all activities must be affiliated with Mohawk College and have a staff or faculty member as a validator.
    2. The activity must provide students with a meaningful learning opportunity:
    3. The activity is not required for academic credit:
      • Any activity mandatory for an academic credit will not be recognized on the CCR. However, if a student exceeds the course-required hours for an activity, the additional hours worked are eligible for CCR credit (assuming the activity is CCR approved).
    4. Time Requirement:
      • A minimum of  5 hours for the position within one academic year.

For purposes of the CCR, an academic year is identified as the time period from May 1st to April 30th. No activity can be credited to a student’s CCR retroactively, in other words, they can only be added in the same academic year that the involvement occurred.

How to Track Virtual Student Engagement

Did you know, students can still get the credit they deserve for attending, volunteering, completing or participating in the virtual opportunities provided by Mohawk staff and faculty.

Review the Guide to Tracking Virtual Student Engagement PDF.

The CCR Validator - Roles & Responsibilities

A validator manages the CCR positions for their programs and events

This includes:

  • Ensuring their programs and events are properly listed as CCR positions
  • Selecting potential learning outcomes for participants and/or volunteers
  • Relaying the names of the positions to the students that participate
  • For participatory positions, sending the list of participants’ student numbers to [at] (student[dot]life[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
  • For volunteer positions, approving or declining students’ positions approximately once per month, or as requested by students
  • Reviewing their positions regularly, as well as at the end of each period to ensure that no positions have an incorrect number of hours.


Your involvement will be both helpful and appreciated!

With all the programs (and all the students) we serve, we count on a network of Faculty and Staff to act as program validators. Please consider taking on the role, especially if you are introducing CCR activities through your program or your community connections.

Watch this tutorial to learn how to validate a CCR position

Questions? Contact andrea.brienesse [at] (Andrea Brienesse) for more information.

Submitting an Activity Request Form

To submit an activity for CCR approval, ensure the activity meets the CCR criteria (explained above) and follow this simple process:

  1. Log on to the CCR
  2. Check the CCR catalogue to verify if the position already exists.  If not, complete a CCR Position Request Form

In order for a position or activity to be approved, the request must include a brief description (one small paragraph or less), written in the neutral narrative past tense (e.g. "this student acted as..."), using paragraph format (no bullets please), and you must select 5-10 expected achievement(s) listed under the Learning Outcomes.

Remember a position must be validated by a Mohawk College Staff or Faculty member to be considered part of the CCR.

You will receive an ‘Approved’ or ‘Declined’ email following the review. If declined, you will also be offered any reasons why the request was turned down and what changes or additions would be required to make to make future approval possible.

A CCR Activity Approval Process Checklist

  • Written in the neutral narrative past tense, e.g. "this student acted as..."
  • 1 small paragraph or less to describe the role (No recruitment pitches please)
  • No bullets/numbered lists
  • No contact information
  • No need to state what the student will be rewarded with at the end of the activity (they will have a Co-Curricular Record!)
  • Select 5-10 achievement statements that are listed under the Learning Outcomes. Please only select the most relevant – do not select more than 10 (and in most cases only a handful should apply)


If you have any questions regarding the submission of a CCR Activity/Position please contact us for further assistance at [at] (student[dot]life[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)

Faculty and Staff Workshops

To offer outstanding CCR options and opportunities to Mohawk students is a big and important commitment. We encourage all Faculty and Staff to join us for CCR workshops aimed ensuring our programs are all rewarding and effective.

WORKSHOP: Understanding the Co-Curricular Record (CCR) at Mohawk College

Learn everything there is to know about Mohawk's Co-Curricular Record programs.

Find out when you can join the next virtual workshop

In the workshop, we will cover:

  • How to apply for a position or activity to be included in our CCR program
  • How to find and identify good CCR opportunities
  • The importance of Learning Outcomes
  • The role of the validator
  • The importance to students


Contact [at] (student[dot]life[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) to set up a faculty and staff workshop.

FAQs for Staff

1. What is the Co-Curricular Record and what is it used for?

The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is a tool for students to track involvement in programs or events not formally related to a program of study. Co-curricular activities are social, volunteer, leadership, employment or recreational activities that support and enhance academic learning, the student experience, and student success.

The CCR can be used on and off campus when applying for jobs, awards, and scholarships. Just like an academic transcript, the Co-Curricular Record is verified and approved by Mohawk College staff. The CCR is then stamped and signed by the Dean of Students to acknowledge a student’s non-academic contributions to their campus and community. The CCR can be printed and attached to an application to draw attention to demonstrated skills & experiences.

2. How do I access the CCR?

  • Login to Career Ready
  • Click on ‘Login Here' and select 'Staff/Faculty'
  • Click on ‘Co-Curricular Record’ in the sidebar of the Career Ready portal


3. What activities are eligible for the CCR?

Any involvement not formally related to a program of study. This can include both on and off campus initiatives. Activities are divided into the following categories:

  • Awards
  • Athletics
  • Campus to Community
  • Clubs and Student Groups
  • Community Involvement
  • Mohawk Students’ Association
  • Student Employment
  • Leadership and Volunteer @ Mohawk
  • Workshops, Seminars and Training


4. How can I get my event or program listed on the CCR database?

You can request a community position by filling out a CCR Position Request Form

  • A minimum of 5 hours is required for time tracking if the position is a volunteer experience. 
  • The position description should have a neutral narrative tense.
    e.g. This student volunteered at the annual Alumni Nine & Dine Golf Tournament. They were responsible for event facilitation, tear-down and set up, and other duties as assigned
  •  Please select between 5-10 achievement statements. Students will be asked to choose their learning outcomes from your selection when they add the position to their record. 


Once the form has been submitted, the position will now be listed as pending until it is approved by Student Life staff. Once approved, requestors will receive a confirmation email, and student volunteers will be able to find your position in the Quick Position Search.


 5. How do I add my event or program to my students’ CCRs?

Staff can add co-curricular positions to student records by contacting Student Life. The position must already exist on the CCR catalogue, and the staff member must be one of the validators for the position.

An Excel file should be submitted to [at] (student[dot]life[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) including the names and student numbers of all students who need the position added to their records.

The email should also include the date of the experience and whether the position is participatory or volunteer. If the position is participatory, the positions will be added as approved and no hours will be tracked. If the position is volunteer, it will be uploaded as pending and students will need to add their hours before the positions can be validated.


6. What are achievement statements?

An achievement statement reflects a learning outcome based on a student’s role and duties performed during their experience.
e.g. :

  • Exhibited drive, passion, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude
  • Used imagination and innovation to arrive at creative solutions


You will select 5-10 achievement statements that you think reflect the student’s potential learning outcomes from participating in your program or event. When the student adds the position to their CCR they will choose 2-5 of these achievement statements to reflect their actual personal learning outcomes.


7. What is the role of a validator?

A validator manages the CCR positions for their programs and events.

This includes:

  • Ensuring their programs and events are properly listed as CCR positions
  • Selecting potential learning outcomes for participants and/or volunteers
  • Relaying the names of the positions to the students that participate
  • For participatory positions, sending the list of participants’ student numbers to [at] (student[dot]life[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
  • For volunteer positions, approving or declining students’ positions approximately once per month, or as requested by students
  • Reviewing their positions regularly, as well as at the end of each period to ensure that no positions have an incorrect number of hours.


8. How do I validate my pending positions?

  • Click on the pending tab to get a list of students who have entered hours to your volunteer positions.
  • Select a student by clicking on their name to review their record. 
  • Ensure all the information is correct – students must have between 2 – 5 achievements selected and a minimum of 5 hours entered.
  • If the record is accurate, click the “Approve Validation” button. This will open a window that will allow you to send an approval email if you wish to notify the student that their position has been validated.  
  • You can continue validating more positions by clicking on the “Validator” role at the top of your screen.


9. When is the deadline for students to add hours to their CCR?

Students can add hours until the end of the current period - April 30th of each year.  For example, the 2018-19 period is May 1, 2018- April 30, 2019. Only hours from the current period may be added.

10. Who can I contact if I have questions about the CCR?

Contact Student Life at [at] (student[dot]life[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)



Information for Employers/Community Partners

It is most employers experience when hiring recent graduates, that the brightest prospects bring more than a great academic record. Great candidates are also well-rounded students with a variety of leadership, volunteer, and development experience.

What is a Co-Curricular Record?

The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is a tool for students to track involvement in programs or events not formally related to a program of study. Co-curricular activities are social, volunteer, leadership, employment or recreational activities that support and enhance academic learning, the student experience, and student success.

It’s worth noting that every CCR opportunity is verified and approved by our team, and it must contribute to a student’s Learning Outcomes - see above to read more.

Mohawk College Learning Outcomes are associated with the categories of Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creative Problem Solving and Responsible Citizenship.

Contact Us

General Inquiries: [at] (Email Student Life)

Comments and Feedback: [at] (Email Student Life)