Freedom of Information Request

Mohawk College is subject to Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

FIPPA has two primary objectives:

  1. To provide individuals with a right of access to certain information held by the College; and
  2. To protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information held by the College.

The enforcement of FIPPA is conducted through the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPCO).

FIPPA also outlines the College's obligations concerning the collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposal of all personal information it keeps, as well the regulations surrounding the access of an individual to their own personal records. Mohawk College regards all personal information as confidential, and protects the privacy of both staff and students.

To make a request under FIPPA, please follow the steps below and forward your request to:

Jessica Lapcevich
Manager, Risk, Legal and Governance Services
Mohawk College
135 Fennell Ave W, Hamilton, ON L9C 0E5
Phone: 905-575-1212 
Fax: 905-575-2313

How to Make Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests

Step 1:
You may request access to information by making a formal written application through the General Counsel and Corporate Secretary. For this purpose, an Access/ Correction Request form is available on this website and attached below as a PDF Document. Any request made in writing will be accepted, as long as the following information is included:

  • Identification of the specific records to which you are requesting access
  • Sufficient detail to facilitate reasonable identification by experienced college staff
  • Date of request
  • Your contact information
  • Statement that you are making this request through FIPPA

Download the Access/Correction Request Form (opens PDF, 84.5kb)

Step 2:
Once the Access/Correction Request form is completed, return it to the General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, along with a $5.00 application fee (cheque payable to Mohawk College or jessica.lapcevich [at] (subject: FIPPA%20Request%20-%20Online%20Payment) (Email Jessica Lapcevich) for an online payment option). An application fee is not required when a change of personal information request is made. Processing of the request will commence once the completed form and the fee are both received by the College. The college will then send you an acknowledgment letter and notify you of an estimate of any fee that may apply. Every effort will be made to resolve the request within 30 days. However, the college may advise you of the need for a time extension.
Step 3:
Your request will be reviewed by the College in accordance with FIPPA. Once a determination has been made, a decision letter will be sent to the requestor. This letter will outline all of the details of the decision, including any exemptions that may apply, a calculation of any incurred fees, and if applicable, a schedule of disclosure, and directions regarding the actual access to the identified records.
Please note that if your request for records results in a large disclosure of documents, you may be asked to pay a deposit for the costs of copying such records prior to your request being completed. All outstanding fees incurred must be paid prior to disclosure.
Step 4:
All decisions made by Mohawk College, including the final determination and any fees or time extensions, may be appealed to the IPCO.