Preparing to go to college is an exciting time. Your future is unfolding before you, and the opportunities feel endless. You’re on a roll building up your future, and nothing can stop you now! Well, as long as you’re prepared – you still need to apply to colleges, after all. So, what do you need to do to keep your roll going?
What to prepare
1. Know your programs
You can apply to up to five programs in total, and up to three programs at one college.
After submitting your application, Mohawk College will be in touch with you for your next steps. We send you an email acknowledging your application and giving you access to your MyMohawk account so you can keep track of the status of your application.
Once you get the email, check out the My Application Status tool found under the applicant tab. You can also keep an eye on your applications (and accept your preferred offer) on ontariocolleges.ca.
2. Transcripts and Supporting Documents
You will be required to submit academic transcript documents with your application. Information about the documents required can be found on the FAQ: Transcripts page on ontariocolleges.ca.
When submitting your application, specific programs will require supporting documentation related to program requirements. Be sure to thoroughly review the program information page before submitting your application to determine if supporting documents are required, and submit them with your application if they are.
Important things to know
3. Fees and program requirements
All applications are subject to a $125 application fee. This fee is in addition to tuition costs tied to individual programs.
While researching programs that may interest you, it’s important to check the requirements for those programs. Program requirements can be found on the individual web pages for each program.
4. Pay attention to deadlines and academic dates
There are several important dates that correspond to college application, and when you apply could have a significant impact on your application. Understanding the difference between each date can help you get the most out of your application.
November 1: Earliest offer date for non-competitive programs.
February 1: Equal Consideration deadline for applying to the fall semester.
June 1 : Equal Consideration deadline for applying to the winter semester.
5. Why are the dates important?
Earliest Offer Date: Colleges may begin distributing offers of acceptance for the upcoming academic year. Some competitive programs are released at a later date to give you time to provide your most up-to-date grades. You can find the list of late release programs here.
Equal Consideration Date: Any applications made prior to the Equal Consideration date will receive equal consideration for admission. Applications made after the Equal Consideration date will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis until the program is full.
When do online applications open? Applications for fall semesters typically open early October.
This is the earliest date from which applications are available through the OCAS portal. Creating and submitting your application as early as possible helps to ensure equal consideration into your program of choice.
The early bird gets the worm – or the seat!
Getting your application in as early as possible has many benefits, the most important of which is it helps to give you the best chance possible to succeed.
Early applications receive equal consideration, meaning you’re much more likely to receive an offer of admission if you qualify. Waiting to apply could cost you your seat in a program, even if you qualify for the program because all of the seats could fill before you get your application in.
If you are applying to a highly competitive program, applications must be submitted by the Equal Consideration date to be considered.
Don’t miss out on your chance to secure a seat. Explore our programs to find the right option for you, and get your application in early so you don’t miss your chance to become Future Ready.