The start of a brand-new year often brings forth a surge of emotions. From optimism to self-doubt and every other feeling in between - self-reflection and goal setting are often at their peaks. For many, that means focusing on turning their career goals into reality. But like most resolutions, without a plan, it is easy to get off track. Looking for work is a full-time job in itself and requires planning, commitment, and consistency. To start the New Year strong, here are six tips to help you maximize your efforts to get you one step closer to landing your dream job!
Conduct a Focused/Targeted Job Search
- First, do some self-reflection, identify your career goals and formulate a plan. Once you have identified your goals, create a list of the positions that you are interested in and align with your skillset.
Document/Record Job Search Efforts
- Document your job search activities to help you stay organized and accountable.
- Set daily, weekly and monthly targets. Commit to a set number of hours per day, per week focused on job searching, and geared towards what you want to accomplish
Tailor Resume & Cover letter
- Tailor your resume and cover letter to each job by carefully matching your skills to the hiring criteria on the job posting.
- Tailoring helps increase the chances of your resume getting past potential ATS (Applicant Tracking System) screening software and into the hands of an actual human.
Build Your Network
- Networking will always be a great way to meet and connect with other industry professionals. Take advantage of this by connecting with people within your circle, attending events virtually and in person, and joining professional groups on LinkedIn and other social media platforms
Diversify your Job Search
- A good job search includes several techniques and approaches, not just applying to positions online. Utilize your network, reach out to Career Services for assistance, volunteer at your dream company, conduct informational interviews, etc.
- By diversifying your approach, you will have a greater chance at tapping into the “hidden job market” estimated to account for 80% of new hires.
“Google Yourself”
- Conduct an audit of your online accounts and remove questionable content from your public profiles. Be strategic and intentional with your online brand, as you want to build a strong online presence that works for you and not against you!
Looking for a job is no easy feat and can sometimes be discouraging. But remember, the road to success is always under construction, and every no or rejection is one step closer to a yes. Be consistent, be positive and be intentional with your goals and you will yield positive results. Happy job searching!
Additional Support:
For additional assistance, book an appointment to meet with a Career Advisor or Career Coach from our Student and Graduate Employment Team.
To book an appointment:
- Go to Career Ready.
- Log in with your student single sign-on credentials.
- Select the black circle at the bottom right corner of the page and follow the prompts for booking an appointment.
Written by: Ruth Yirgalem, Career Coach at Mohawk College. Ruth has over 8 years experience in career advising and recruitment services.