Andreas Maniatis

"Andreas Maniatis"
Andreas Maniatis
andreas.maniatis [at] (andreas[dot]maniatis[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Big Data Analytics and Visualization

Andreas has been an active member of the international ICT industry and Academia for more than thirty years, lecturing and teaching at the same time on the full range of Big Data Analytics and Visualization domains at postgraduate programs in prestigious European and North American Academic Institutions.

He is also a partner and Managing Director at PHROP, a leading systems integrator and software manufacturer of state-of-the-art tools and solutions, serving also as Head of the Big Data Analytics Unit of the company, functioning as a Big Data Analytics / AI consultant, mentor, lecturer, and educator.

Andreas holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and an MSc from the same institution. His domains of interest include Leadership and Management, Software Lifecycle Management, Data Warehouses and OLAP, Data Mining and Decision Support Systems, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence, with specialization in Visual Representation and online, Interactive Exploration and Analysis of very large data sets (Visual Analytics and Big Data). He has published numerous papers in prestigious scientific journals and international conferences.

In the past, Dr. Maniatis has participated in various projects in both the Public and the Private Sectors, where he held positions ranging from developer to project manager to senior IT strategy consultant to team manager.