Lisa Dunlop

Lisa Dunlop
Lisa Dunlop
Business and Admin Studies

Lisa has taught OA-Health Services and OA-General courses as a partial load faculty member for the past eleven years at Mohawk College, beginning in Continuing Education (CE) in 2012, and then in Mohawk's first-year OA-General Certificate and OA-Health Services Diploma courses in 2014. Lisa assisted in developing Medical Terminology 1 and 2 into the current online delivery. She taught Medical Terminology 1 through Continuing Education for many years. She is the course writer for OADMOA327: Investigative Procedures and INFO10306: Informatics in the Health Office, which she has been redeveloping and adapting to keep current with the changing hospital systems.

Throughout Lisa’s career, she has worked in a series of demanding, fast-paced environments in health services. Her experiences, which she regularly shares with students in her teaching, help prepare them for the intensity and professional standards required in hospitals and private practice. Lisa shared that one of the highlights of teaching is running into her former OA students who have gotten jobs in the local hospitals and medical offices.