Formula Sheet Accommodation Guide

What a Formula Sheet is

A formula sheet is an aid that students use for tests in math, science, and trades courses. The purpose of a formula sheet is to help a student recall formulas so that they can solve test items independently. In order to create a formula sheet, a student is expected to recognize which equations/formulas are pertinent to the course materials and understand the proper use of this information.

What a Formula Sheet is Not

A formula sheet does not contain anything other than formulas and equations pertinent to the material being tested. It does not contain examples of the formula or any definitions that describe the variables in the formulas/equations. The formula sheet can contain specific examples if allowed by the instructor. Use of a formula sheet should not compromise any essential course objective. Instructors can choose to remove any formula that is deemed to be an essential learning objective for the course.

If an instructor has concerns about the appropriateness of a formula sheet, the Accessible Learning Services counsellor named on the accommodation plan can be consulted.

Guidelines for Creating a Formula Sheet

The instructor may provide a formula sheet to everyone in the course as a UDL component or the student may create the formula sheet. Check with your instructor if your program of studies has formula sheets already created. Formulas can sometimes be found in your textbook, PowerPoints, or online modules.

When an instructor uses a universal design for learning (UDL) approach and provides a formula sheet for all learners, the instructor should encourage the student with the accommodation to preview the formula sheet in advance of the test. The intention is to allow for dialogue between the student and the instructor regarding whether or not the student’s accommodation needs have been met and to determine whether additional formulas would be appropriate.

Formula Sheet Approval

Formula sheets created by students must be approved before the test or exam by the instructor. It is recommended to give the formula sheet to the instructor one week (5 working days) in advance of the exam date or at a mutually agreed upon time. Once any necessary changes are made, and the sheet is approved, it should be sent to the Mohawk College Testing Centre, along with the exam materials, by the instructor.

Note: With the move to online learning, formula sheets should be developed, scanned, and emailed to instructors/professors for approval or a picture of the formula sheet can be provided to the instructor/professor to review with a final, agreed upon copy of the formula sheet provided to the instructor/professor.

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We are here to help. Contact Accessible Learning Services by email at als [at] (als[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or by phone at (905) 575-2122.