Career Development Workshops and Webinars


Career Ready by Mohawk Alumni header

The Career Ready webinar series helps students and recent graduates develop personal and professional skills that assist with transitioning into a successful “Life after Mohawk”. These interactive and informative webinars support the development of important soft skills, which are not traditionally learned in classrooms. 

Recorded Webinars


What employers are looking for in today's labour market

(Recorded: June 1, 2023)

Ever wonder what employers are really looking for in the ideal candidate? Join Career Advisor and Employer Liaison, Cherie Simms as she shares with you insights into the top three things she believes employers are looking for, based on industry knowledge and expertise


Post Grad Permits and Permanent Residency Information Session

(Recorded: June 6, 2023)

With graduation just around the corner do you have questions about permanent residency? Join us to learn from the MSA legal counsellor Bill Reid. 

Not able to make it? No problem! Catch up by watching a recording

Browse out library of recorded webinars to help with transitioning into a successful “Life after Mohawk”.


Your Financial Future: 6 Things You Need to Know Before Leaving School 

(Recorded April 25, 2023)

The recorded webinar will give participants an overview of the top 6 financial concepts that are important to understand to maintain your own financial wellness.  These 6 Things You Need to Know Before Leaving School will give you a base of knowledge to build upon including how to: 

  1. Manage monthly spending and saving 

  2. Use credit responsibly 

  3. Understand credit reports and your credit score 

  4. Plan for student loan and debt repayment 

  5. Identify common savings and investment plans 

  6. Navigate the basics of homeownership 

Different ways to get into home ownership

(Recorded: November 2022)

How buying a home over the years has always looked terrible and impossible when viewed through the media, when in reality it has turned out to be the #1 investment for majority of Canadians over the years.  

Presented by Brian Hogben, 2001 Business Administration graduate from Mohawk College

Brian Hogben is the guy that proves nice guys don't finish last. Award-winning, hardworking and spilling over with positivity, gratitude and authenticity - Brian Hogben is the Founder of Mission35 Mortgages. He cut his teeth at the bank, started working as a commission-based mortgage agent, then became a team leader with a Brokerage and launched Mission 35 Mortgages, one of the top mortgage brokerages in its first 3 years of existence, and currently has 10 locations across Southern Ontario. 

Did we mention he also writes?  Yup, he does that too.  The author of “How to Get Mortgage-Free Really F*$%ING FAST” shows other people that becoming mortgage free many years earlier than what typical Canadians think is possible, is not just a pipe dream, it is a reality. Long story short, Brian Hogben is the Mortgage Broker you told your friends about and the guy to trust with your financial needs and who will take your financial literacy to the next level. 

Exploring Your Rights as a New Employee

(Recorded: June 2022)

An introduction to six important laws and regulations in effect in the province of Ontario that protect workers and their rights in the workplace.  As a new employee, it’s all about learning what laws are in place in Ontario to help make your workplace a better, safer, and healthier work environment for everyone.  From the Employment Standards Act to human rights to accommodations and disclosure and more—attend this webinar to familiarize yourself with these topics and learn where to find more information.

Make Your Co-Curricular Record (CCR) Work for You

(Recorded: June 2022)

Learn how to use your Co-Curricular Record (CCR) to your advantage and showcase the skills you learned during your time at Mohawk. 

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

(Recorded: March 2022)

In this 90 minute keynote speech, we will work together to label the feelings of imposter syndrome and do an exercise that allows for everyone in the room to anonymously share the last time they felt like a fraud at work. This forms a baseline for an open dialogue about this workplace challenge.

Job Searching for People with Disabilities - hosted by Tru Faces

(Recorded: March 2022)

Heading into a new job when you have a disability can be tough. When should I disclose? What accommodations do I need? Join us for an informative session where we will discuss how you can be your best advocate and nail your next job search.

For Women, Finance is about more than just the MONEY

(Recorded: November 2021)

As young women we were always told to study hard and get good grades in school because those good grades would get us into the college we want to attend. Once we're in college, we are told to study hard and get good grades, because those good grades would get us the job that we want. 

But never once have we been told what to do with our money once we begin to earn it. Find out about saving your hard earned money, paying off your credit card, advocating for yourself and making frugality fashionable. 

Presenter Elizabeth Naumovski - Broadcasting - Television & Communication Media '84 & 2020 Alumni of Distinction Winner

Change Management: Working and Living in Times of Change

(Recorded: December 2021)

This highly engaging webinar explores the fundamentals of change and transition, providing practical tools and strategies for managing and coping in change.  Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the change process and how to intentionally respond when working and living in continuous change.

Presenter Laura Cole - Business - Law Clerk, 1997

Succeeding at the Workplace

(Recorded: June 2021)

Learn how to work well in Canada by projecting a professional image and understanding your workplace culture.

Interviewing in Today's World

(Recorded: June 2021)

Learn the ins and outs of job interviewing! Feel confident in job interviews and improve your chances of getting hired through proper preparation. This webinar will cover how to dress, speak, what your background should be for virtual interviews and so much more!

Cover Letter and Resume Writing

(Recorded: June 2021).

Your cover letter is a personal introduction -it tells the employer who you are and why you want to work for their company. Learn how to write a brief yet compelling cover letter that will leave the employer craving more information. 

Discover the workings of an acceptable resume and learn how to articulate your talents and experiences effectively. Your resume is an opportunity to demonstrate to the employer that you have what it takes. Learn how to make it count!

Financial Literacy - Wealthing Wednesday Series

Whether it’s saving for school, sticking to a budget, or planning for a major purchase, financial literacy affects us all. The Wealthing Wednesdays webinar and workshop series is designed to help you improve your money skills.

Catch up on the recorded webinar series.


A Newcomer’s Guide to Canadian Finances

(Recorded: Feb 2022)

Moving to a new country and starting your life there can be a stressful experience. Thankfully, you don’t have to go through it alone. Join us to look at some of the specifics of life in Canada, like costs, banking and credit, and the income and personal tax systems. Learn from the experience of other newcomers to Canada, and the things they wish they knew when first arriving.

The goal of “A Newcomer’s Guide to Canadian Finances” is to provide you with the foundational knowledge necessary to prepare for life in Canada and manage your finances as a new arrival. You will learn about life in Canada, such as the costs you can expect, considerations when renting, and scams to watch out for; the differences between banks in Canada and how to get started with credit; and the ins and outs of earning income in Canada and paying personal income taxes. Starting over doesn’t mean starting from scratch—learn from the experiences of others to help make your transition to Canada as easy as possible.

Buying Your First Home

(Recorded: January 2022)

Home ownership is a significant investment and can signal the beginning of a new stage of life for many Canadians. Join us to look at the pros and cons of home ownership, the steps of the home buying process, and some of the government programs available to help along the way. It’s never too early to start thinking about whether buying a house is right for you.

The goal of “Buying Your First Home” is to help you understand the home buying process, and whether it’s the right move for you. You will learn whether buying or renting is a better fit for your lifestyle and needs; how to prepare for and navigate the home buying process, including ways to determine what you can afford and how much you need for a down payment; and the government programs and other service providers like real estate.

Living a Financially Healthy Life

(Recorded: September 2022)

Finances are an unavoidable and important part of life. Join us to examine the foundational skills of budgeting, goal setting, saving, and effective spending. With these concepts under your belt, you’ll be ready for the next stages of your financial journey.

The goal of “Living a Financially Healthy Life” is to help you develop a healthy attitude towards money. Coming out of this workshop you will be able to make more informed decisions about purchases, be able to create a budget that includes savings and can help reduce your financial stress and know how to apply the magic of compound interest to increase your savings. You will learn how to take control of your money by setting goals and creating a budget that emphasizes paying yourself first; how to recognize the difference between a need and a want; and why it’s important to make savings an integral part of your life, not an afterthought.

How to Manage Debt and Credit

(Recorded: October 2022)

Debt and credit can be powerful tools, but only if used properly. Join us to learn ways to manage general debt, including deciding when it’s worth taking the debt in the first place; how to effectively manage a credit card; and why your credit score is so important for your future. Use debt and credit the right way, with confidence.

The goal of “How to Manage Debt and Credit” is to help you understand and navigate the ever-expanding world of borrowing. You will learn how to manage general debt, and the difference between “good” debt and “bad” debt; how to use credit cards as a resource and a tool for your future; and what a credit score is, why it’s important, and strategies to improve a weak score or maintain a strong one. Debt and credit can be powerful tools, or dangerous opportunities. Take the time to learn how to use them correctly and you will thank yourself down the road.

How to Pay for School

(Recorded: November 2022)

A post-secondary education in Canada is a significant investment and can cost $10,000+ per year. Join us to learn some of the ways you can pay for your education, important details about taking on and repaying government student loans, and the impact of being a student on your credit score. You’re in post-secondary to plan for your future, start now by planning for post-secondary.

The goal of “How to Pay for School” is to help you prepare for your post-secondary education by thinking about how you plan to pay for it, and what the longer-term consequences of that payment approach may be. You will learn about some of the ways available to pay for your education, including scholarships and bursaries, loans, and government programs; some of the finer details of government student loans, related to both taking them on, and paying them back; and how being a student can affect your credit score, including ways to build your score as a student. Without a proper plan, the cost of a postsecondary education can feel like an insurmountable obstacle. Think ahead, so you can get ahead.

Borrowing for the Books/Managing Your OSAP Loans

(Recorded: April 2021)

Coming out of this workshop you will have a better understanding on various programs available to help you pay for your education, why it’s important to pay off credit cards in full monthly, how to improve your credit score and how to manage your debt so as to reduce your financial stress. From scholarships, grants and bursaries to loans and earned income, there are many ways to acquire funds to pay for this investment in your future. However, you have to be careful; it’s easy to fall into the debt trap. This module will give you the confidence to pursue your goals by helping you understand good and bad debt and the implications of a bad credit rating. 

Investing Basics

(Recorded March 2022)

Coming out of this workshop you will have learned the foundational skills to allow you to invest with confidence such as understanding why it’s important to invest for your future to help outpace inflation, what basic investment asset classes exist and the various account options there are to investing. The goal of this workshop is to de-mystify investing and to also help you better understand the tax implications and benefits of various account options. Investing is not a get rich quick scheme, it’s a way of putting your money to work for you! This module is designed to arm you with the tools and knowledge to invest effectively and with confidence for your future.

Intermediate Investing

(Recorded March 2022)

Coming out of this workshop you will be much more comfortable managing your investment risks, be able to analyze and understand the potential value of the common stock of a company you choose to invest in and also know about some alternative investment opportunities. There are a lot of layers and complexity to investing and this workshop will provide you the knowledge to invest for the long-term by applying techniques like dollar cost averaging and diversification to your portfolio. Also, you will learn the important metrics to research before investing in a company for the long-term as well as some additional ways to diversify and enhance your risk-adjusted returns.

Catch up on past Personal Development webinars.

  • Diverse Communiations
  • Supporting People with Disabilities - Misconceptions and Etiquette
  • Spring Refresh, and more

Check out our recorded library of Personal Development webinars