Alumni of Distinction
Don MacVicar
Don MacVicar along with his wife Carole are the founders of the Inner City Outreach Ministry now in its 30th year. Located in the North End of Hamilton. He has pioneered the development of the Inner City Outreach ministry, which currently involves 250 young people, 30 young moms and babies, 25 seniors and it is located within the heart of the most impoverished city in Ontario. He manages along with his wife Carole the daily operations of the organization which include fund raising, managing the budget, recruiting volunteers and presenting the Gospel message. Fund raising is achieved through various speaking engagements, seminars and community events. As well as weekly activities the Outreach Ministry includes an extensive summer and winter camping program for at-risk youth. Over 3,000 children have attended a summer camp the past 30 years. Working directly with the John Howard Society, lawyers, schools and the police to engage young people in productive and healthy activities. At one time there were 20 young offenders attending the programs. By investing in the youth, positive changes can occur and currently there are no young offenders in the programs at this time.
In addition to the ICOM ministry Don was the founder of the Eva Rothwell Resource Centre a 48,000 sq. ft. facility where $4 Million dollars has been raised the past 12 years to sustain the Centre. The Rothwell Centre has been an ongoing canvas to paint in Don’s eyes. He was able to surround himself with people who had the same passion for Education and to breathe the “Mohawk Air” the Larry Paikin Literacy Express is an 80 ton retired passenger car that has been fully renovated to assist children with their reading with one on one mentors. The Team Canada 72 museum was another exiting idea to bring together the community and the City. Thousands of people have come to view the historic memorabilia and the story of the 28 days in September. Working with the Sr Staff of Mohawk College Jim Vanderveeken and Lori Morgan, the Mohawk City School was the diamond and shining star to embrace the Rothwell Centre, it has set the community and the city on fire for the promotion of post-secondary education.
In the sport of Powerlifting Don was fortunate and able to travel to various parts of the world, India, England, Sweden, Germany and throughout the US and all across Canada where he gained value experience seeing Mother Teresa mission and gaining the deeper understanding the needs of the people who are lost and lonely. As a result of his world medals and 38 Canadian records he has been inducted into 4 Sports Halls of Fame.
His work as Vice Chair of the Hamilton Polices Services Board continues to bring a greater understanding on the needs of the many communities they serve.
For his community work he and his wife Carole were awarded the YMCA Canada Peace Medal, Don was also awarded the Governor General Sovereign medal and the Queen’s Jubilee Medal and was Hamilton’s Citizen of the year in 2006.
Since Don was 18 years of age he had the call and desire to become ordained as a minister and on June 2nd 2018 that calling was fulfilled as a result of attending many years of study at night school at, Mohawk College, McMaster and Bible school. He has joined the fellowship of The Open Door Evangelistic Church Inc. Don is a 39 year employee at ArcelorMittal Dofasco having worked in Sales and he will be retiring in August of 2018 it seems now the second chapter of Don’s life is just beginning.
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Mohawk College is celebrating 10 exemplary leaders who are the newest recipients of the prestigious Alumni of Distinction award.