Gary Crowell

Alumni of Distinction Award Recipient
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Gary Crowell

Alumni of Distinction

Gary Crowell

Award Category
Award Year
Program of Study
Community Planning & Development
Graduation Year

Occupation: Retired Chief of Police, Halton Regional Police Services

Upon his retirement in June 2012, Gary Crowell had enjoyed a long and distinguished career as a police officer for 41 years. Gary began his career with the RCMP and eventually transitioned to the Halton Regional Police Service, in 1999, for the last 13 years of his career, serving as Chief of Police for the final six years. As evidence of his exemplary service, he was the recipient of many awards including, the Police Exemplary Service Medal, the Order of Merit, the Gold Medal for Excellence by the Human Rights and Race Relations Centre, and the Ontario Women in Law Enforcement’s first President’s Award. Additionally, under his leadership the Halton region was ranked the safest place to live in the GTA, and the safest regional municipality in Canada, four years in a row, according to MacLean’s Magazine. In retirement, Gary continues to serve on various boards and community organizations. He has served on the Mohawk College Board of Governors since 2012, and is currently the Chair of its Student Services Committee.

What would you tell yourself if you could go back to your first day of college?

I would tell myself to get involved and enjoy the total college experience. While there were not the numerous activities and opportunities that there are today, I believe there were chances to for me to participate more than I did.  

What is one memory or piece of advice you have from your Mohawk days that has stuck with you?

What I remember most about my days at Mohawk College are my first and last days.

The Fennell Campus was virtually brand new when I attended.  While it has been so many years since I walked through those doors for that first time, I remember being so very nervous and timid.  I knew no one, and like most students, lost in the maze of the campus.  

However two years later I walked proudly across the stage, a very confident and proud graduate and received my diploma.