Daniel Guest

Alumni of Distinction Award Recipient
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Daniel Guest

Alumni of Distinction

Daniel Guest

Award Category
Award Year
Program of Study
Graduation Year

President, Guest Plumbing and Heating

Daniel Guest is an award-winning entrepreneur recognized for his business achievements and vast community contributions.

Daniel launched his business, Guest Plumbing and Heating, just two years after graduating and long before turning 30.

He started out working on his own as a plumber and gas fitter, but by 2018 his business quickly became one of the fastest growing companies in Hamilton, Ontario. In 2020, he launched a separate company, Guest Heating and Air Conditioning. Together, the two companies offer 24-hour service in the residential and small commercial sectors, along with high-end design-build services.

Giving back to the community is a staple of Daniel’s businesses. Throughout the year, his team supports a number of local organizations tackling issues of domestic violence, hunger, and cancer research. His mission to be the largest philanthropist in his community is even embedded in his companies’ vision statement. Daniel is also dedicated to supporting Mohawk apprenticeship and co-op students as well as volunteering his time to the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program.

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