Finding the way back to your roots
A drive to connect to her community and culture has taken Vanessa Henry '13 from a disconnected relationship growing up to working every day to instill a deep connection within the next generation of Indigenous youth.
Read more about Vanessa Henry
Alumni Spotlights

Making connections in the music industry
For some, making music is a hobby but for Mohawk alumni, Moe Sulaiman '14, music is his life’s passion.

Building a better community by building better connections
Building strong connections and networking with her community has become an important part of life for Advertising & Marketing Communications Management graduate Andrea Pohlmann ‘15.

Committed to serve and protect their community
Two 1980s graduates, Marcine Blake '88 and Laurie Porthouse '82, share their experience working for the Hamilton Police Service.

Inclusive teaching in an online world
Experienced educator, Allison Fitzgibbon '20 improves her teaching skills with the Accessible Media Production program.

A second family at work
Growing up playing sports, Nicholas Crepinsek '19 saw a merging of his interests in the field of recreation therapy through supporting people and using recreation techniques to improve
Foundation and Alumni Stories

Paying it forward
Aviation students get a new experiential learning opportunity thanks to a generous donor.

By Alumni
Introducing the Mohawk Alumni Business Directory.