OntarioLearn Courses

OntarioLearn Colleges working together logo






Courses delivered through OntarioLearn are a collection of shared online college courses. In collaboration with all 24 Ontario community colleges, you have 24/7 access to a broad selection of online programs, courses and services. Visit the OntarioLearn (opens in new window) website for details.

Upcoming Start Dates

IntakeStart DateRegistration OpenEnd Date
April 2025April 1March 18 – April 8 July 8
May 2025May 13March 18 - May 23August 19 (14 week courses)
June 2025June 2March 18 - June 9September 8
July 2025July 2March 18 - July 9October 8
August 2025August 1March 18 - August 8November 7

Prior to the start date

  • Purchase your textbook(s) and/or needed materials. Visit our textbooks page for details.
  • Ensure you know your start date. You can activate your account but will not be able to access your OntarioLearn course until the start date. For those registering after the official start date, it will take 24 to 48 hours for your account to become active.

Access MyMohawk and your @mohawkcollege email

MyMohawk is your portal for student administrative services that delivers access to your Mohawk College email, official grades, tax receipts and more.

To access MyMohawk:

  • Open a web browser
  • Visit www.mohawkcollege.ca
  • On the navigation bar, choose Login, and from the dropdown select MyMohawk
  • Enter your 9-digit MohawkID number provided during the registration process
  • Enter your password
  • Click the Sign in button

Visit our Getting Started - MyMohawk Guide for step-by-step instructions.

If you have trouble signing in you may be able to reset your password or you can contact the IT Service Desk.

Activate your OntarioLearn account

You will receive an email entitled Your OntarioLearn Log In Details directly from OntarioLearn. This email will be sent to your @mohawkcollege email address only and contains your temporary password. After you receive this email:

  • Visit OntarioLearn (opens in new window)
  • Click on the Login button near the top right
  • Enter your username. This is your Mohawk College email address (e.g. firstname.lastname@mohawkcollege.ca)
  • Enter your temporary password
  • Click on Start a Session
  • You will be prompted to change your password
  • Review and accept the terms of the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Review any start-up announcements, policy information and support services.

Need more help logging in? Watch this short video.


On the course Start Date

When your course becomes available, click on the Login to [Platform] button located in the My Courses area. A web browser window will open and automatically connect you so you can access your course.

Technical Support

More Information

  • Your MohawkID number is the 9 digit number assigned to you when you registered. It will stay the same for any and all courses at Mohawk College. You will use your MohawkID to access our systems/platforms, book exams, register for courses, find your grades, and more!
  • Your MyMohawk login is NOT the same as your OntarioLearn login.
  • To receive a refund you must withdraw by the date that was displayed in the section information at the time of registration. You can view this date at any time by logging into your CE Registration Student Account. Following this date you may withdraw (without a refund) to avoid academic penalty. Dates apply and can be found in your CE Registration Student Account.
  • Some OntarioLearn courses have in person exams. Visit our Exams webpage for more details.
  • Mohawk College reserves the right to limit, cancel, adjust or relocate classes/courses without notice, if necessary. A full refund will be issued for courses cancelled by the College.
  • You should keep copies of your course outlines from all courses.
  • Grades will be posted to your MyMohawk account 4 to 6 weeks after the end date of your course. Visit the How do I find my Continuing Education grades? webpage for more information.