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The Focus of GIFT 2024

This year's conference will focus on Sustainability, The Climate Action Plan, and Greening the Curriculum.

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our lifetime. Mohawk College has a significant role to play in both our reduction of our operational emissions and in the education of the highly skilled graduates. In support of the Mohawk College Climate Action Plan, this conference will collectively learn about:

Call for Proposals

Join the Movement Towards a Sustainable Future!

Attention educators and thought leaders! We're thrilled to announce our call for proposals centered around Sustainability, Climate Action, and Greening the Curriculum. Let's collaborate to shape a more sustainable future through education!

Wondering why you should participate?

  • Make an Impact: Your ideas can drive real progress in tackling climate change and promoting sustainable practices.
  • Inspire Others: Showcase your initiatives and inspire educators and learners worldwide to take action.
  • Network and Collaborate: Connect with like-minded individuals and organizations dedicated to sustainability and education.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Topic: Sustainability, Climate Action, Greening the Curriculum
  • Format: Online - Workshop, Presentation, Interactive Session
  • Deadline: Submit your Call for Proposal by: August 15th, 2024

Ready to Lead the Change?

Submit Your 2024 GIFT Proposal Today!

GIFT 2023 Workshop Videos

AI Integration: Academia and Industry

October 26th, 2023 10:00am-12:00pm

The "AI Integration: Academia and Industry" workshop is designed to bridge the gap between academic research and practical industry applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As AI continues to revolutionize various sectors, understanding its potential and challenges becomes paramount for both researchers and industry professionals.

Mastering Prompt Engineering: Crafting Dynamic Conversations with ChatGPT

October 27th, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm

Discover the secrets of prompt engineering and learn how to create dynamic conversations with ChatGPT to learn how to use ChatGPT as a tool to save you time, grow your educational resources and create authentic assessments for your students.

Exploring AI with Adobe Firefly - Ideation and Brainstorming Through Prompts, Generative Fills and Image Manipulation

October 30th, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm

With the aid of Adobe Firefly we can create and manipulate images with ease. We'll look at how to generate and then manipulate an image from scratch. This session will also focus on the ethical and responsible use of image/art in the creative industries.

Creating a Toolbox for Meaningful Engagement With AI Through a Lens of Academic Integrity

November 2nd, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm

This workshop aims to engage colleagues to create a toolbox for meaningful engagement with AI and collaboration on course assessments, AI and academic integrity. This session will begin with discussing academic integrity at the College, and how we are building, maintaining and promoting a culture of Academic Integrity in the age of AI. We will explore the benefits and challenges regarding the use of AI in coursework, examine ways to navigate these challenges and collaborate on positive next steps in the age of AI.

InStage Demonstration - Experiential Learning through AI to Help Students Improve their Communication Skills

November 2nd, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm

InStage is an AI-based software that offers a straightforward way to add experiential learning assignments to our courses, allowing students to improve their communication skills through interactive 3D simulations. This tool is designed to make our lives easier by automating student feedback, thus giving us more time to focus on core educational tasks.

Unlocking Potential: Rethinking Student Achievement in an AI-Empowered World

November 6th, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education, it's imperative that we re-examine our teaching approaches and the role of assessments.

How ChatGPT Works: A Non-Technical Explanation

November 8th, 2023 10:00am-11:00am

What is ChatGPT really doing? Why does it hallucinate? What's going on inside its "brain"? Does it teach itself somehow, or are human beings involved in its training? This session will present a non-technical, explanation of how ChatGPT and other Large Language Models are built and trained. Knowing how they work can help you use them more effectively and can help you get perspective on all the hype, both positive and negative, surrounding these amazing new tools.

Mentimeter Training Webinar for Mohawk College

November 8th 2:00pm - 3:00pm

This interactive session will focus on making the online and in-person education and development experiences at Mohawk more engaging, inclusive, and fun using the interactive presentation and survey software, Mentimeter. During the session, we will review various examples of Mentimeter slides and question types. The session will also cover:

  • Reimagining class content to focus on human skills.
  • Training faculty to redesign assignments and syllabi to avoid AI traps.
  • Teaching students how to demonstrate the value they bring to assignments, classrooms and the workplace.

Can I have a side of Piccles with that? Visualizing Engagement in the Classroom

November 9th, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm

Student feedback and assessments have consistently involved text-based responses to articulate pluses, opportunities, and new thinking. Yet, 65% of the population are visual learners and images can convey at least 1000 words. This interactive presentation provides a side of Piccles with your appetite for knowing how learners are thinking and feeling about class content. Feed your hunger for quality discussion prompted by a side of Piccles and see how this creative tool can enliven your audience.

GIFT 2023

Save the date! The 2023 GIFT conference is being planned for Wednesday October 11, 2023. Our new format will feature keynote speakers on October 11th, additional workshops and presentations will be scheduled throughout the following month between October 12 to November 10th.

This year's conference will focus on Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education. As AI becomes more prevalent in society, it's important for educators to understand its potential and limitations, be prepared to integrate AI technologies into their practice, and help students develop the skills they'll need to use these technologies wisely and effectively in school and in their future professions. At this conference we will collectively examine:

  • Adapting teaching & learning to grow with AI.
  • Assessments in the age of AI like Chat GPT.
  • Benefits and challenges of using AI tools in teaching and learning.
  • Aligning use of AI with the Mohawk College Strategic Plan.

GIFT 2023 Keynote Speakers

Harnessing the Power of Generative AI in Teaching & Learning - Possibilities and Challenges.

October 11th, 2023 9:15am-10:30am

Video for Power of Generative AI in Teaching & Learning

Dr. Alec Couros will explore the potential and implications of using generative AI, such as ChatGPT, in teaching & learning. This engaging keynote presentation will provide teachers with the tools, resources, and ideas needed to better understand and embrace AI in the classroom. With a focus on rethinking traditional approaches to education and transforming the learning experience for students, this keynote is a must-attend for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of AI and education.

Partnering with Artificial Intelligence to empower digital learning.

October 11th, 2023 10:45am-11:30am

Video for Artificial Intelligence to empower digital learning

Rachel Boorsma is a registered Occupational Therapist, part time OTA/PTA faculty, and an Adjunct Clinical Professor at McMaster University. She works full time as a Digital Learning Technician, where she consults with faculty and staff to create engaging and accessible online learning assets. In all areas of her work, Rachel's goal is to create technology-enabled learning experiences that are fun, accessible, and easy to use!

AI Proceed with caution. The Good, the Bad, the Ugly.

October 11th, 2023 11:45am-12:15pm

Video for AI Proceed with caution

Marie McKeary is a sociologist who specializes in health and health care issues, with a focus on diversity/accessibility. As a lecturer at McMaster University she was associated with Sociology, Indigenous Studies, Women Studies and the Department of Social Work. She also earned an MSW and is a trained critical incident/trauma counsellor and has held numerous counselling positions, including Victim Witness counsellor for The Tainted Blood Trial. As an independent consultant she has collaborated with numerous community and non-profit organizations and all three levels of government. As the Research Facilitator for the McMaster Institute of Environment and Health (MIEH) she carried a diverse portfolio of research projects examining the health impact of both our social and physical environment. She was co-investigator on a seminal research project on Refugee Health resulting in a number of published articles. She is currently employed with Accessible Learning Services (ALS) at Mohawk College.

Rising to Meet the Challenge of Generative AI.

October 11th, 2023 1:00pm-2:30pm

Video for Rising to Meet the Challenge of Generative AI

Higher education is at a crossroads: we must either evolve to meet the challenge of generative AI, or quickly become irrelevant to our students and our society. We cannot meet this challenge by simply adapting our existing practices. Instead, we must think more deeply to ask: what content do students in an AI-assisted world need? How can we protect and prioritize human thinking? And, how can we be sure our students are obtaining mastery of our learning objectives when AI-assisted cheating is so hard to catch? In this dynamic keynote, I provide examples of an integrated approach to AI that addresses post-secondary education, discipline and individual class issues.

She will focus on three primary routes to meet the challenge of generative AI:

  1. Reimagining class content to focus on human skills.
  2. Training faculty to redesign assignments and syllabi to avoid AI traps.
  3. Teaching students how to demonstrate the value they bring to assignments, classrooms and the workplace.

Perspectives in teaching with Chat GPT

October 11th, 2023 2:45pm-3:15pm

Video for Perspectives in teaching with Chat GPT

Alice Pivniceru holds an M.A. in English (McMaster 2001) with a focus on contributions of ethnic writing to Canadian literature of the 1920s. She is also a Fulbright Teacher Exchange alumna (Washington, DC, 2000) and a certified TESOL (2018) member.

Perspectives in teaching with Chat GPT

October 11th, 2023 2:45pm-3:15pm

Video for Perspectives in teaching with Chat GPT

Maria Lee Fook joined the McKeil School of Business in 2018 teaching marketing and business studies. A seasoned marketing communications professional, Maria enjoys working with students and specializes in innovative digital teaching and learning strategies.

Stories of AI: How artificial intelligence is transforming teaching and learning in higher education

October 11th, 2023 3:00-4:00pm

Video for Stories of AI

Through a series of engaging narratives, attendees will first develop a greater understanding of some of the challenges posed by generative artificial intelligence (GAI) and then open their minds to the ways in which this technology can (potentially) transform teaching and learning to create an environment of equity, inclusion, student success and faculty satisfaction.

Video for GIFT 2023

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