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CTLI supports the on-boarding of new full-time and part-time educators at the college. New full-time teaching and non-teaching faculty participate in the College Educator Development Program (CEDP) during their first three-years of employment. New part-time and partial-load faculty participate in the Teaching for Success (TFS) program during their first semester of employment. Both programs ensure new faculty are well-prepared for success in a variety of learning environments.
Topics of Discussion
College Educator Development Program
The CEDP mission is to foster teaching excellence through the shared exploration of evidence-based teaching and engagement in ongoing reflective teaching practice. This assessed, outcomes-based program focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). It creates a learning community that supports:
Through active learning in a technology-enhanced climate, educators develop a solid pedagogical foundation to design curriculum and engage students in a wide range of transformative learning experiences.
The College Educators Development Program (CEDP), a collaborative undertaking between five of the Western Region Colleges (Niagara, Mohawk, Fanshawe, Lambton, St. Clair) and is required for all new full-time teaching and non-teaching faculty.
Phase 1
CEDP starts each August with a College specific orientation held at the Fennell campus. Participants and facilitators come together prior to the residential component held at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario.
Community of Practice (Fall)
As part of the CEDP program, Year 1 participants engage in a Community of Practice (CoP). The CoP involves regular group meetings on alternate weeks over the Fall semester and focus on teaching and learning at Mohawk College. With the success of learners in mind, the CoP will:
Mentorship Program (winter)
In the winter term, first year participants will be partnered with experienced faculty mentors in mutually beneficial relationships that allows the partners to explore ideas and experiences around teaching excellence and the many different facets of being an educator. Winter mentor partnerships will focus on practical teaching issues and centre on reciprocal classroom visits.
Online Modules
All CEDP participants have access to interactive online modules that provide just-in-time information and assist faculty to enhance their teaching skills. Modules include:
Phase 2
Following the residential component held each May at Fanshawe College, Year 2 activities continue to focus on teaching and learning at Mohawk College through teaching circles, portfolio development, and T&L Reads.
Teaching Circles (Fall/Winter)
The Teaching Circles Program provides Phase 2 participants with an opportunity to gain new insight into their own teaching through a process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection. Participants will be assigned to a small group of faculty - "a teaching circle". Each teaching circle invites one another to observe during the term.
Teaching Portfolios (Fall/Winter)
In addition to Teaching Circles, Phase 2 CEDP participants will spend time developing/refining a personal teaching philosophy and building a teaching portfolio. Teaching portfolios will be shared with other CEDP participants prior to and/or during Phase 3 of the program.
T&L Reads
Participants in Year 1 and Year 2 are invited, together with faculty from all CEDP colleges, to engage in synchronous online reflection and discussion of teaching and learning research articles. These sessions promote discussion and foster engagement within the broader Ontario teaching community.
Phase 3
The final residential component of CEDP is held each June at Fanshawe College.
Teaching For Success (TFS)
The TFS program is designed to give you the foundational information that you need to start teaching at Mohawk College. The Centre for Teaching & Learning Innovation (CTLI) will provide you with relevant content to create engaging, effective, and inclusive learning experiences, while offering support along the way. IT is also hosted directly within MyCanvas!
Teaching for Success (TFS) is an asynchronous 11-hour professional development opportunity that focuses on new part-time educators at Mohawk College. As a continuous course, you can revisit any of the course content at any time. While this course is largely asynchronous, live sessions are also offered for those looking to collaborate with other educators. Synchronous sessions will be posted in the announcements section of the TFS course.
Through TFS, faculty will learn how to plan effective lessons and consider learning and teaching styles, student policies, and much more! Learning experiences are focused on the essentials of Teaching & Learning, MyCanvas, Learning Technologies (i.e., Zoom) and other Resources/Supports. Much of the program can be completed independently.
Teaching for Success is:
Contact CTLI for information about enrolling in the Teaching For Success course in MyCanvas.
Still have Questions?
Reach out to CTLI Support Today!