Custom Zoom Backgrounds

Show off your Mountaineer spirit!

Follow the steps below to set your own custom Zoom background of Mohawk College campus for your upcoming virtual reunion.

Get started

Using a computer or laptop, select a background. Right click on your mouse and click Save image as to save the virtual background to your desktop.

Zoom Background of Cellar on Mohawk College Fennell campus

The Cellar - Fennell Campus

Open Cellar virtual background

Zoom Background of Gym on Mohawk College Fennell Campus

David Braley Athletic and Recreation Centre - Fennell Campus

Open DBARC virtual background

Zoom Background of library on Mohawk College Fennell Campus

Library and Collaboratory - Fennell Campus

Open library virtual background

Zoom Background of exterior of Mohawk College IAHS campus

Institute for Applied Health Sciences

Open IAHS virtual background

Zoom Background of exterior of Mohawk College Stoney Creek Campus

Stoney Creek Campus for Skilled Trades

Open Stoney Creek virtual background

Next steps

  1. Visit and sign in to your account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right hand corner of your screen, then select Settings.
  3. On the left side menu, click on Virtual Backgrounds.
  4. Click on the + symbol, then select Add Image. Navigate to the virtual background on your desktop and select it.
  5. Your virtual background is now set! 


Contact the Alumni Office

  • Phone: 905-575-2258
  • Email: alumni [at] (alumni[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca).