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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a curriculum design, development, and delivery framework used to create equitable, inclusive and accessible learning environments. The goal of UDL is to support creating masterful learners who are purposeful, motivated, resourceful, knowledgeable, strategic, and goal-directed.
Use the table of contents on this page to explore UDL at Mohawk College, including information for educators, implementation ideas, and useful resources.
Table of Contents
What is Universal Design for Learning?
What is Universal Design for Learning?
UDL guidelines are based on three primary brain networks:
Each network is identified by a principle to guide design, development, and delivery in practice:
Each network contains three checkpoints (nine in total) that emphasize learner diversity that could either present barriers to, or opportunities for, learning. The checkpoints are as follows:
- Multiple means of engagement
- Options for recruiting interest
- Options for sustaining effort and persistence
- Options for self-regulation
- Multiple means of representation
- Options for perception
- Options for language, math and symbols
- Options for comprehension
- Multiple means of action and expression
- Options for physical action
- Options for expression and communication
- Options for executive functions
You can also access the UDL Guidelines as text:
UDL Research at Mohawk College
In 2018, Mohawk College completed the Universal Design for Learning for Technology-enabled Post-secondary Courses at Mohawk College research project. With the grant provided by eCampusOntario the project obtained context specific data to support the strategic direction of UDL implementation at Mohawk College, as well as the development of Mohawk College’s UDL Standard and the UDL Course Assessment.
Given the growth in UDL implementation over the past several years, the College’s new Digital Learning Strategy, and the recent rapid changes to teaching and learning within higher education, updated data was required to support new UDL implementation efforts. In addition, the demand for UDL support to reach Mohawk College’s equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) targets is significant. UDL has been included in Mohawk College’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan and the Academic EDI Committee identified a need for current and context specific UDL research to support their goals.
The UDL Today: Measuring Mohawk College’s Implementation research study was completed in 2024. Please review the UDL Today final report and apply the data and recommendations, as appropriate, to your context. For a summary of the recommendations, review the Research Project Recommendations Brief – 2024.
UDL for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
UDL gives educators a comprehensive framework to centre equity-deserving students in our learning spaces. Because of its capacity to support all learners, Mohawk College has built UDL into its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan.
To learn more about Mohawk College's commitment to EDI and how UDL supports these goals, review Mohawk's Commitments and Action Plan webpages. To delve deeper into UDL as an EDI commitment, review the Expand Use of UDL and Use of Accessibility Tools webpage.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a curriculum design, development and delivery framework used to create inclusive, equitable and accessible learning environments for diverse student populations.
The UDL for Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessiblity (IDEA) project was a collaboration between ten Ontario higher education institutions with the goal of developing an open educational resource to help educators understand UDL and its role in supporting equity, access, diversity and inclusion in post-secondary teaching and learning spaces.
The UDL for IDEA Pressbook has been localized for Mohawk College educators and is now available through the Working at Mohawk > My Learning webpage. To learn more about this professional development offering and how you can gain credit on your employee transcript, login to your Mohawk College account and review the UDL for IDEA for Mohawk College landing page.
UDL Standard
Based on the data obtained through the 2017-2018 Universal Design for Learning for Technology-enabled Post-secondary Courses at Mohawk College research project (access the report in Word), a UDL Standard for Mohawk College was developed. The goal of a college-wide standard for UDL implementation is to promote the advancement of Mohawk College's commitment to equity, inclusion and access in all learning environments.
The video below explains the UDL Standard and its use in our context.
The UDL Standard is not prescriptive, and is meant to provide consideration options to support the design, development, and delivery of curriculum. Review the UDL Standard, in one of the formats included below, to determine the ideal way to implement UDL in your context.
Universal Design for Learning Information for Educators
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a curriculum design, development, and delivery framework used to create inclusive and accessible learning environments. The goal of UDL is to ensure inclusion in teaching and learning processes, while encouraging the development of expert learners. This section is to support educators learn more about how UDL applies to Mohawk College's teaching and learning spaces.
The three central principles of UDL are:
Extensive research identifies UDL as an effective practice and comprehensive framework to support inclusion, equity and access throughout the curriculum development process and in any learning modality. UDL implementation is not in addition to the curriculum design, development and delivery work educators do. Instead, UDL is the framework by which educators can design, develop and deliver curriculum to make learning more tractable, equitable and inclusive for all students.
Benefits of Universal Design for Learning
UDL has benefits for both learners and educators. UDL has the capacity to make teaching and learning more inclusive and accessible for everyone. Educators who implement UDL often find:
Universal Design for Learning and You
Many educators at Mohawk College have already implemented UDL elements in their courses. The list below, and following graphic, offers UDL examples employed by Mohawk College educators:
Examples of Multiple Means of Engagement
Examples of Multiple Means of Representation
Examples of Multiple Means of Action and Expression

The following videos provide examples of the UDL implementation process and/or specific interventions by Mohawk College faculty:
For more UDL ideas and support, review the UDL Standard and the UDL Course Assessment. The UDL Implementation section of this webpage also provides a variety of ideas and resources to support including UDL in your curriculum.
UDL Course Assessment
Take the UDL Course Assessment to determine the UDL elements currently in your course(s) and gain additional, targeted resources to support further UDL implementation. You can access the UDL Course Assessment by using the link above, or clicking the image below.
Universal Design for Learning and US
If you are interested in learning more about UDL, or would like support for your implementation you can:
Universal Design for Learning Implementation
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is meant to be a proactive approach to common and systemic learning barriers. Implementation makes learning more accessible, inclusive, and tractable for all students, while saving faculty time and effort. Using the table of contents above you will find a number of context specific UDL implementation ideas and initiatives.
UDL Course Assessment
To determine the UDL elements already in a course, or to determine where UDL can be added and obtain targeted resources, the UDL Course Assessment is a great place to start. To learn more about this self assessment tool, review the UDL Course Assessment section.
UDL Course Statement
By including a UDL statement on course sites and learning plans, learners will be made aware of what UDL elements have been included in the course, as well as the options that exist for them to gain course content and show what they know.
If you have implemented UDL in a course copy, paste and modify the UDL Statement below. Once the statement has been customized to a specific course it can be included on the course site, learning plan, as well as anywhere else you feel students will see it.
UDL Course Template
The Centre for Teaching & Learning Innovation has designed a MyCanvas course template that embeds UDL. The CTLI UDL Course Template can be used by Mohawk College educators as a starting point for new course builds or when redeveloping a course. The CTLI UDL Course Template is evidence-based, has incorporated student and educator feedback, and includes a wide range of UDL elements. In addition, the template is customizable and supportive of all delivery modalities.
The CTLI UDL Course Template Companion Document outlines the purpose and key features of the template.
Additional Time for Quizzes/Tests/Exams
Including additional time on quizzes/tests/exams allows all learners to read questions more carefully, evaluate their answers thoroughly, complete the assessment with less anxiety related to time, and can provide a better reflection of their content knowledge. Wherever possible, applying UDL guidelines to course quizzes/tests/exams can provide a supportive evaluation environment for all students.
Additional time for testing is one of the most common disability related accommodations at Mohawk College, as it supports a wide-range of disability types and needs. While students registered with Accessible Learning Services may continue to book tests in the Testing Centre for other disability related testing accommodations, proactively including additional time to quizzes/tests/exams can reduce time and effort of arranging additional time accommodations for both educators and students.
Sometimes the content being assessed must be done so in a specific amount of time (for example because of a clearly defined and articulated industry standard or demonstrating knowledge within a specified time is an explicit learning outcome of a course). However, when this is not the case or when a specific disability related accommodation is required, educators may wish to proactively extend quiz/test/exam times to ensure all students have the time they need to fully show what they know without the additional barrier of limited time. Proactively including additional time does not have to mean for all quizzes, tests, and exams. Faculty can determine which of these assessments would be best suited to including additional time as a UDL element.
As the most common additional time accommodations are typically 50% to 100%. To ensure as many students are supported as possible, and to limit additional effort, the recommendation is to add 100% additional time to quizzes/tests/exams when possible. Ideally, when suitable, unlimited time can be offered. Once the appropriate additional time has been determined, it is essential that learners be informed that that additional time has already been added to their quizzes/tests/exams. The Implementation section below offers a statement educators can modify and include anywhere quiz/test/exam information is included in a course.
Implementation for Additional Time for Quizzes/Tests/Exams
To implement:
Additional Time for Online Course Quizzes/Tests/Exams
The quizzes/tests/exams in this course have been designed using Universal Design for Learning guidelines and (give the percentage) additional time has already been added to each quiz/test/exam in support of all students.
Communication Options
Concise and frequent communication is central to effective teaching and learning. Open and accessible communication can create community, invite deeper learning and support more comprehensive assessment. Without it, learners can miss key content and important messages, and educators are left not really knowing where support and resources are required.
Effective communication within a course includes options that work for a diverse group of learners. Providing a number of different options for students to communicate with their educator, as well as each other, supports open and inclusive sharing of knowledge and skills.
Implementation for Communication Options
As an educator, including two or more of the communication options below will help learners stay connected regarding all aspects of a course:
Encouraging learners to do any of the following will help them stay connected with each other:
Content Options
UDL works to provide students with options to obtain course content in the way that is the most supportive and beneficial to their learning. Additionally, there are learners who require or would benefit from alternate formats. However, gaining alternate formats for course content can be a time-consuming barrier for students, as well as educators. Proactively providing course content in multiple formats, is supportive of all learners and can save educators time.
Implementation for Content Options
There are a number of practical ways to provide content options within a course. Ideally, all course content would be proactively provided in at least two formats. Options for providing multiple formats may include:
To implement:
To support equity, inclusion and access, it is important that course content is accessible to all learners. To learn more about how to make documents and presentations accessible, review the variety of resources available on the Creating Accessible Documents and Alternate Formats webpage.
Course Navigation Instructions
Providing learners with explicit information at the start of a course is an ideal way to set course expectations, help students quickly find key information, and offer directions regarding how to proceed through the course.
Implementation for Course Navigation Instructions
The following outline suggests headings and content ideas that may guide the development of course navigation instructions.
Course Introduction
This section could include:
Faculty Introduction
This section could include:
Accessing Content
This section could include explanations of:
The information above is meant to provide options to develop course navigation instructions and can be altered to meet the specific needs of a course.
Interim Due Dates
Executive functioning skills, including time management and organization, can impact students' ability to plan assignments and complete large assignments. Learners in the first or second semester of their program can often benefit from explicit support to plan and organize their assignments. In addition, providing executive functioning support can reduce issues exacerbated by late assignments for both educators and learners.
To assist learners to produce the most accurate reflection of their knowledge and to ensure educators can accurately assess the learning outcome(s), consider providing interim due dates on assignment outlines and/or course learning plan. For example if an assignment is to be completed in three weeks, educators can outline what elements should be completed in the first week, what should be completed in the second week, and what needs to be done to finish the assignment and submit it in the third week.
If educators are able, ungraded feedback can be given for each interim date. Additionally, resources and supports can be offered for each portion of the assignment, such as a link to the Library for research support in the first week or the Writing Centre for editing help in the final week.
Implementation for Interim Due Dates
Language and Symbol Options
Many learners can find new, subject specific language and symbols challenging. To support all learners' equitable participation and inclusion in a course, a glossary or legend or common terms, acronyms and/or symbols is very helpful. In addition, offering a glossary or legend of commonly used terms, acronyms, and/or symbols provides an accurate, time saving resource for learners and makes delivering content more efficient. In addition, this type of reference document can serve as a study aid and/or support more effective note taking.
Implementation for Language and Symbol Options
There are a few ways to create a glossary or legend for language, symbols, acronyms, etc. for your course:
Note Taking Support
Clear and concise notes support learners to prepare for lessons and learning activities, study more efficiently, and complete assessments more effectively. However, many students struggle with effective note taking and do not end up with the course resources that will serve them best. In addition, note taking accommodations are among of the most common for students with disabilities, and it can be challenging to implement accommodations for this need, for both learners and educators.
There are a number of ways educators can proactively support all students to have complete and comprehensive course notes, including:
Online Course Layout
An explicit and well-organized online course layout allows learners to access course content quickly and easily, with less confusion and frustration. While there is not one ideal course layout that is perfect for every course or everyone, there are some general UDL considerations to apply to online course organization to make it easier for learners to access online curriculum and assessments.
Online Student Accessibility and Preference Instructions
Learners benefit from options that allow them to change their online learning environment to meet their individual learning needs and/or preferences. Identifying the accessibility and preference options that exist in the online course environment empowers all students to have control and responsibility over aspects of their learning. Learners need to be informed of how their learning preferences can be met in the online course space.
Rubrics and UDL
Well-constructed rubrics allow all learners to better understand the outcomes of the assessment, how they will be graded and plan their time accordingly to complete the work to the best of their ability. In addition, when assignment expectations are clearly defined on a rubric, grading can be more efficient and concise.
UDL does not have an ideal rubric type, that is to say, the ideal rubric for UDL is one that accurately supports the measurement of learner knowledge of the course learning outcome(s) without constricting the options of how a learner can show what they know. A rubric designed with UDL in mind:
Educators sometimes feel that they need to have a different rubric for each way a student can submit an assessment, but this is not the case. If the rubric is based on evaluating the learning outcome(s) the assessment is for, and worded appropriately for a variety of submission options, one rubric will be able to support a larger variety of assessment submission options. For example, if your assessment allows learners to choose if they would like to write an essay, create a video presentation, or develop a detailed infographic, including spelling and grammar in the rubric will not support all possible submission options. Instead, using a phrase like “clearly articulate” would encompass all of the submission options offered making one rubric sufficient and useable for all submissions.
Submission Options
Providing options regarding how assessments are submitted allows learners to leverage their strengths to demonstrate their knowledge in the best way they can, while supporting educators to more accurately assess what a student knows. Removing barriers that are not related to the learning outcome(s) and allowing options regarding how a student can meet the learning outcome(s) supports a more inclusive and equitable learning environment.
While it is not always possible to provide options to learners about how they submit every assignment in the course, offering even one submission option will improve learner engagement and allow for multiple means of action and expression.
When creating the assessment rubric it is important to ensure it is based on the learning outcome(s) the assessment is designed to measure, as opposed to the submission method. For more information on creating rubrics with UDL in mind, review the Grading and Assessment Page - Rubric Section
Universal Design for Learning Resources
The resources found on this page are great sources of information regarding Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in higher education. To review a curated selection of post-secondary UDL resources, feel free to access the UDL Foundations PowerPoint or UDL Foundations PDF document.
UDL Standard
The UDL Standard for Mohawk College provides direction for UDL considerations when designing, developing and/or delivering curriculum. Use the links below to review the Standard:
UDL Course Assessment
Take the UDL Course Assessment to determine the UDL elements currently in your course(s) and gain targeted resources to support further UDL implementation. To learn more about this self assessment tool, review the UDL Course Assessment section.
UDL Course Template
The Centre for Teaching & Learning Innovation has designed a MyCanvas course template that embeds UDL. The CTLI UDL Course Template can be used by Mohawk College educators as a starting point for new course builds or when redeveloping a course. The CTLI UDL Course Template is evidence-based, has incorporated student and educator feedback, and includes a wide range of UDL elements. In addition, the template is customizable and supportive of all delivery modalities.
The CTLI UDL Course Template Companion Document outlines the purpose and key features of the template.
The following websites offer a wealth of information on UDL implementation in higher education.
The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) has a number of comprehensive research articles regarding UDL in post-secondary education in Ontario on their Publications webpage. New articles are added to this webpage as they are peer reviewed and published.
The following videos provide foundational UDL information, as well as Mohawk College examples of UDL directly from educators.
From UDL on Campus
Todd Rose at TEDx Sonoma County
Mohawk College Faculty UDL Examples
Mohawk College Student Voice
The following books share research and effective UDL implementation strategies.
UDL Navigators in Higher Education: A Field Guide
Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice
Engage the Brain: How to Design for Learning that Taps into the Power of Emotion
Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success
UDL University: Designing for Variability Across the Postsecondary Curriculum
Twitter Feeds
These Twitter feeds will keep you up to date on UDL news, events and implementation efforts:
Accessibility Resources
While UDL and the accessibility requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) are distinct from each other, if you are developing alternate content options for students, you will want to take accessibility into consideration. For more information on creating accessible documents, review the variety of resources found on the Creating Accessible Documents and Alternate Formats webpage.
Canadian Higher Education UDL Collective
Who We Are
The Canadian Higher Education UDL Collective is a group of post-secondary educators from across Canada who are looking to learn and share all things Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
How to Learn with Us
We have a wealth of resources provided by our members. You can access these resources by joining the Canadian Higher Education UDL Collective (see the instructions at the bottom of this page). Once you are a group member, you will be able to access a collaborative resource document and view upcoming UDL in higher education professional development opportunities.
We also have regular meetings to share, problem solve and support each other through our UDL journeys. Meeting times and topics are communicated through our group listserv and we hope you will join us!
How to Share with Us
Do you have a fantastic UDL resource with a higher education application? Please join the Canadian Higher Education UDL Collective (again, see the instructions at the bottom of this page) to gain access to the collaborative UDL resource document. You can then add your great resource for us to include. Once received, the resource will be added to the Collective's resource bank.
How to Join
If we seem like the group for you, just email CanHEUDLCollective [at] gmail.com (CanHEUDLCollective[at]gmail[dot]com) and include:
Once we receive your email, you will be added to the Canadian Higher Education UDL Collective listserv and given access to view the Collective's UDL resources and meeting information. Please be aware that this process may take a few days.
Still have Questions?
Reach out to CTLI Support Today!