Living a Financially Healthy Life

image of college students close together studying
Nov 15

Finances are an unavoidable and important part of life. Join us to examine the foundational skills of budgeting, goal setting, saving, and effective spending. With these concepts under your belt, you’ll be ready for the next stages of your financial journey.


The goal of “Living a Financially Healthy Life” is to help you develop a healthy attitude towards money. Coming out of this workshop you will be able to make more informed decisions about purchases, be able to create a budget that includes savings and can help reduce your financial stress and know how to apply the magic of compound interest to increase your savings. You will learn how to take control of your money by setting goals and creating a budget that emphasizes paying yourself first; how to recognize the difference between a need and a want; and why it’s important to make savings an integral part of your life, not an afterthought.

  • You will learn new skills and information to better understand and manage your finances now and in the future. 
  • By completing a pre and post-survey, you will be entered into a draw for 1 of 4, $50.00 Tim Horton Gift Cards.
  • You will be able to add the session to your Co-Curricular Record


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