Join us at Open House starting April 5 - Register today
Information for:
Rubric for Initial Contact: how does the candidate "measure up" to get the interview set up?
Rubric for Interview: measured for a "junior candidate".
Rubric for Follow-up Communication: Does he/she follow up with a thank you? This can be a follow-up email, or thank you card.
Your comments are important! Constructive feedback will be shared with the student so that she/he can work on areas of improvement, or acknowledge successes.
BONUS - Rubric for Business Portfolio: (What is this?) We encourage students to bring something to the interview for discussion purposes. A good business portfolio would include samples of work, awards, and other relevant materials. They are not intended to "show off good grades", rather to discuss what was achieved or an insight that was gained. (This section is for bonus purposes only, and if a student did not provide, or if you choose not to review, does not need to be completed.)
How to support our students