Business Program Stream Declaration

The deadline to submit the Business Program Stream Declaration form for Winter 2025 is Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.

Your MohawkID is your 9-digit student number.
Example: 000101060
Your Mohawk e-mail address uses your first and last name and may include numbers or dashes. Please do not use your MohawkID as an e-mail address.
Are you an International student on a study permit?
Please Note: If you choose a co-op program for semester 2 but do not meet the requirements listed below, you will be placed in the non-co-op version of your program of choice. You may have another chance to transfer to co-op after your semester 2 results.

Business Management Program Promotion Recommendations

The recommendations below should be used as benchmarks for students to gauge their strength in subjects which are foundational to that program. These grades are not required (unless otherwise noted) for program transfers to take place but are strongly encouraged standards.


Progression Criteria

Accounting (316)

Accounting Co-Op (356)

Business Administration - Accounting (364)

75% in Accounting 1 - ACCT CB101

50% in Business Math - MATH 10083

Marketing (319)

60% in Introduction to Marketing - MRKT CB158

50% in Essential Communication Skills - COMM 11000

Business Administration – Marketing (362)

70% in Introduction to Marketing - MRKT CB158

50% in Essential Communication Skills - COMM 11000

Business Administration – Marketing Co-Op (366)



70% in Introduction to Marketing - MRKT CB158

50% in Essential Communication Skills - COMM 11000

No more than 2 missed or withdrawn courses

No Academic Dishonesty infractions

Must have a full-time course load

Insurance (318)

The recommended standards for promotion to semester 2 is no more than one failed course.

Insurance Co-Op (368)


Overall WGPA of 70%

No more than 1 failure or missed course 

Financial Services (303)

75% in Business Math - MATH 10083

Business (320)

50% in Accounting 1 - ACCT CB101

50% in Introduction to Marketing - MRKT CB158

50% in Business Math - MATH 10083

Business Administration (632)

50% in Accounting 1 - ACCT CB101

50% in Introduction to Marketing - MRKT CB158

50% in Business Math - MATH 10083

Overall WGPA of 70%

Business Administration – Human Resources (363)

50% in Accounting 1 - ACCT CB101

50% in Essential Communication Skills - COMM 11000

50% in Business Math - MATH 10083


As part of your course requirements for the CRED 10106 Business Success Strategies course, students are required to save their email confirmation as a pdf and then upload that to the drop box in your online course as discussed in class. Due dates should be verified with the Professor.