Navigating Privacy and Consent: A guide for digital health start-ups
Access to digital healthcare services provides unprecedented levels of opportunity to prevent illness and improve health outcomes. Threats to digital privacy accompany each of these opportunities.
Clicking "I accept" is just not enough. Healthcare data privacy must be respected and protected.
Digital healthcare services must adhere to a complex web of provincial, federal and international healthcare data privacy regulations. That complex regulatory environment can be difficult for healthcare entrepreneurs to navigate and implement.
This white paper from MEDIC at Mohawk College will help you navigate privacy and consent regulations as you build your digital health start-up.
What you’ll get in this free white paper:
- The two key questions you need to ask yourself before collecting health data.
- An overview of the Canadian and global regulatory landscape.
- Tips for structuring a privacy agreement and terms of service.
- An introduction to the role of the Healthcare Information Custodian (HIC).