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Thank you for supporting the Paralegal Student Experience Program at Mohawk College. The Field Placement practicum, a requirement of the Paralegal diploma program, offers hands on experience for graduating students and an opportunity for companies to invest in potential future paralegal employees. Mohawk College reached out to community legal service providers to partner in offering field placement experiences for fourth semester Paralegal diploma students. The objective of the field placement experience is to provide students the opportunity to apply the skills and abilities in the first three semesters of the Paralegal program of study. Semester four studies allow for learning opportunities and practical court and tribunal experience during field placement.
Participating field placement employers are expected to adhere to the following terms of employment and work arrangements:
To achieve the field practicum objective, field placement employers are encouraged to provide a practical learning opportunity for the students by offering the following duties and responsibilities during their field placement:
If you have any questions or require clarification please contact the Paralegal Placement Program at
I have read and understand the Field Placement Host Terms of Placement Contract.
I understand the responsibilities in placing a student with our office and have had any questions answered to my satisfaction.
How to support our students