Case Study: Software Development - Software Engineering Project

Person working on laptop. Photo from Unsplash

Creating a custom website for start-up Neuropol Solutions


Mohawk College offers a Software Engineering Project (COMP-CO867) course that students take in their third year (fifth semester), where they work in groups to complete a project with a client or partner.  

Working with a local company or organization that requires the development of a software prototype solution to solve a particular problem, the students undertake a project from the beginning phases (requirements and design) through to coding and presentation. The prototype is completed within 13 weeks and upon completion, the students and/or partner can decide to take the project/prototype product further.  

The Neuropol Solutions project was begun by students in their fifth semester and completed during in the sixth semester.  

Neuropol Solutions Company Logo

About the Project

Research shows that 84% of customers prefer working with and purchasing from companies that have an established website instead of just a social media account. For a new start-up having a customized website can be crucial to its success when launching new services or products.

For their Mohawk Software Development Capstone course, a team of students developed and launched a comprehensive, interactive, and user-friendly website to introduce Neuropol Solutions to the public and provide a foundation for future growth. Employing high-edge programming techniques, the website ensures a secure, functional, and high-performance shopping experience. On the back-end, the website contains an e-commerce administrative dashboard that provides insights into customer data designed to increase productivity and help the company generate more revenue. Additionally, an integrated blog allows the business to share information and community members and potential clients. 

The project has been handed off to the client and they are in the process of deploying it to a Web Hosting Service. In the interim, the running solution can be found at

Capstone Project Team: Prerak Patel, Vivek Patel, Jhanvi Thakkar, Nehali Shah

Industry Challenge

Like many start-ups, the team at Neuropol Solutions wanted to launch their company with a digital web presence. While there are several companies that specialize in designing template-based websites for an affordable monthly cost or one-time fee, Neuropol Solutions was looking for more functionality, such as a secure payment platform, and more flexibility in its website to help promote its services and products.

About Neuropol Solutions

Neuropol Solutions is an emerging global consulting firm that aims to create innovative solutions to solve some of the world’s most pressing economic problems at the corporate level, serving government, non-profit and private sector organizations. Neuropol Solutions offers a combination of online courses, physical products, and consulting services focused on business strategy, organizational practices, and sales. 

Key Features

Custom features helped enhance the usability of the website, going above and beyond what is available with a typical website template. 

Screenshot of website interface

Front End Technology

To create the website, a combination of HTML (for basic page structure and content), CSS (for visual editing), JavaScript (for making websites interactive), and Bootstrap (to make the website organized and responsive) were used. 

Photo of dashboard showing shopping cart abandonment

Shopping Cart

The shopping cart abandonment rate reflects the percentage of online shoppers who add items to a virtual shopping cart but then abandon it. The website tracks customer information for future targeting using advertising and email outreach. 

photo of online checkout

Secure Payment

While many companies use a third-party payment option, such as PayPal, Neuropol Solutions preferred a more secure payment process. An embedded Stripe payment gateway was included on the website, ensuring security and functionality.