Contribute to the success of students, graduates and the college
Program advisory committees work closely with the academic teams to ensure student and graduate success.
The Ministry of Colleges and Universities requires an advisory committee for each College program, this is to ensure curriculum quality, evaluate the effectiveness of programs and identify future trends. Committee members are employers, graduates, business and industry leaders, and representatives from professional and accrediting bodies and agencies. The advisory committees work closely with the academic teams to ensure student and graduate success. The Program Advisory Committee (PAC) is a highly valuable College resource and reports to the Board of Governors through the College President.
The role
The committee ensures programs are current and relevant to industry, business and sector needs. Program advisors identify current and future industry trends and shifts in the competencies and skills graduates need to enter the workforce. They advise on the need for new programs and participate in their development and quality assurance. Committee members also assist in identifying industry resources, including guest speakers, field placement, co-op and graduate employment opportunities. Program Advisory Committee members promote good relationships with local community and businesses, industry and professional associations.
Committee members
Program Advisory Committee members are very important to the future success of students, graduates and the College. Through consultation with Program Advisory Committees, academic areas develop industry-relevant and recognized programming that ensures graduates are well prepared to begin their careers and contribute to their field.
Program Advisory Committee members may also benefit from serving on a PAC through expansion of professional experience, networking with colleagues, exchange of knowledge.
Process and experience
Membership is by invitation from the Dean of the academic areas. Appointment to the Committee is a three-year term, and when applicable, the member may be re-appointed to a second three-year term. Meetings are at least two times per year.
To learn more, view the Program Advisory Committee Guide (PDF, 6MB).