How to Register

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Step 1: Register and Submit Documentation

Registering with Accessible Learning Services

Please complete Confidential Intake and Self-Assessment Form. You can submit your documentation while filling in the intake form (please have your documentation ready for upload in PDF, MS Word, JPEG, or PNG format). If you are not ready to submit your documentation while filling out the intake form please choose a method below to send your documentation to Accessible Learning Services.

Name documents you are submitting using the following format:


Please review our Guide to Disability Documentation.

If you don't have documentation you can download our Accommodation Documentation Form (PDF, 344kb) to be filled out and submitted to us.

If you are in the Nursing or PSW programs and looking for accommodations in the clinical setting (lab and professional practice courses) please download our Accommodation Documentation Form (for Nursing and PSW Clinical Placements) (PDF, 512kb) to be filled out and submitted to us. Accommodations for the clinical setting (lab and professional practice courses) in the Nursing and PSW programs often involves collaboration between Accessible Learning Services, the Nursing/PSW programs, and the clinical placement (e.g., hospital or other healthcare setting).

Take a look at the Requisite Skills and Abilities for Nursing Practice in Ontario provided by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO).

Submitting Documentation in Accommodate

The preferred method for submitting documentation to Accessible Learning Services is through your Accommodate portal. For information on how to submit documentation through Accommodate, please visit our Accommodate Instructions for Students page.

Submitting Documentation by Email

Sending documentation by email is not completely secure. We require students sending documentation by email to password protect their documents. These additional measures are taken to ensure confidentiality. Instructions on password protecting documents are linked below.

How to Password Protect a Word Document

How to Password Protect a PDF Document

NOTE: Please be sure to send us the password to open your documents in a separate email. We are not able to receive documentation sent by email that is not password protected. Documentation that is sent without a password will be deleted and you will be asked to resend your documentation password protected.

Submitting Documentation by Fax

Securely submit your documentation by fax at (905) 575-2164. Include a cover page with your last name, first name, and student number along with a callback number or email address.

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Step 2: Book an Appointment

Students who are registering for the first time will be contacted by Accessible Learning Services via email to book their first appointment. You will be sent an email with instructions on how to 'Request an Appointment' in your Accommodate for this intake appointment with your Accessibility Counsellor.

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Need help completing the intake form?

Schedule a 20 minute Facilitated ALS Registration Appointment by emailing als [at] (als[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or calling the front desk at (905) 575-2122. Facilitated registration appointments are available by Zoom, phone or in-person.

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Questions? Need Help? Want to Book an Appointment?

Contact Accessible Learning Services by email at als [at] (als[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or by phone at (905) 575-2122