T2202 SIN Collection FAQ

2024 Tax Year T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificates

T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificates for the 2024 tax year are now available on MyMohawk as of February 26, 2025. The 2024 tax year concluded on December 31, 2024. Certificates are not issued early. A reminder that certificates are issued based on date of enrolment and not date of payment.

How to access your T2202
Refer to the step-by-step instructions on the Income Tax Forms FAQ page to access your T2202. If you encounter any difficulties or have other concerns, your question may be answered below. If further help is required please email taxformt2202 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Include your name, MohawkID and details of your error or issue for assistance.

SIN Missing
If you receive the message "Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is missing from your T2202", ensure you have provided your SIN or confirmed it is already on file and ensure your mailing address is up to date. Once done, please contact taxformt2202 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) to have your T2202 amended to include your SIN if provided after your certificate was prepared. Do NOT provide your SIN in any email correspondence. 

If you cannot log in to MyMohawk
Refer to the Student Tech Support web page for self-service support and contact information to troubleshoot. Mohawk College students retain access to MyMohawk for one year after the date of their last class.


What is a Social Insurance Number (SIN)?

A Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a 9 digit number issued by the Government of Canada. A SIN is unique to each person and is necessary to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits. A SIN is required to file income taxes and must be included on your T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate. Your SIN is the number that identifies you for income tax purposes.

More information about the SIN can be found on the Government of Canada website.

How do I apply for a SIN?

If you doo not already have a SIN you can apply with Service Canada. There is no fee to apply for a SIN. A SIN will be issued at the time of application if the document requirements are met.

I am an international student currently studying outside of Canada. Do I need to get a SIN?

Students who are beginning their studies outside of Canada do not need to submit a SIN. When you come to Canada you will be able to obtain your SIN.  If you were in Canada previously and have a SIN, you may provide it using the secure method through MyMohawk.

Visit the Working in Canada web page for more details and support or contact International Student Services using the International Student Services form. Do not provide your SIN through email or web form.

Why does Mohawk College require my SIN?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) mandates that all Canadian post-secondary institutions report the Social Insurance Number (SIN) for students eligible to receive the T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate (formerly T2202A). Subsection 237 of the Income Tax Act requires that you provide your SIN upon request to the preparer of the tax information slip. Providing your SIN ensures timely and accurate reporting to the CRA.

For more information on this obligation refer to the Canada Revenue Agency: Social Insurance Number (SIN). If you don't provide your SIN, you may also incur a $100 penalty in accordance with section 237 of the Income Tax Act. Providing your SIN late will require an amendment that will need to be re-filed with the CRA which may be delayed.

Students will see email and campus communications throughout the year regarding the collection requirement for the upcoming tax year. Students will not be asked to provide their SIN through e-mail. Students with any questions or concerns about communications they may receive can contact taxformt2202 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca).

Applicants or prospective students are not required to provide a SIN. You will not be able to provide your SIN using the secure application on MyMohawk.

Mohawk may request your SIN for one or more reasons including T2202. To review the reasons why Mohawk College may ask for your SIN visit the Social Insurance Number (SIN) Collection web page.

Will Mohawk College contact me about providing my SIN?

Leading up to the release of T2202 for the current tax year, Mohawk College will communicate with students who may be eligible for a T2202 about the requirement to provide their SIN. Students will be emailed to their Mohawk College email, and any personal email on file that is active. You may receive the email more than once. If you have questions about an email you have received, contact taxformt2202 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) directly. Information about T2202 and SIN collection will also be posted on Mohawk College social media channels and internal signage at campus locations.

How can I provide my SIN or verify Mohawk has my correct SIN?

SIN information will be collected securely for eligible students through MyMohawk. Your eligibility to determine whether your SIN is required or already on file will be confirmed at that time. Mohawk College may already have your SIN on file if you are a current or past employee, received OSAP, scholarships, bursaries, or other financial assistance. To verify your SIN simply means to confirm the SIN you see if the correct SIN.

  1. Log in to MyMohawk
  2. Select the Payments and Statements tab
  3. Navigate to the My Statements section
  4. Select Submit or Verify My Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  5. Follow the prompts to determine your eligibility and requirements to enter or validate

If you need support logging in to MyMohawk please visit the IT Service Desk page for assistance.

Once you have provided your SIN or confirmed the one on file is correct, no further verification is required. Contact taxformt2202 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) if you received the SIN missing message because you provided your SIN after the T2202 was prepared for the relevant tax year to request an amended T2202.

If you did not provide your SIN through another mechanism (CE registration, ontariocolleges.ca) and receive the message "Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is not required based on your current student status", it means that you are not currently in a valid term where Mohawk reasonably requires your SIN. Collection for the upcoming calendar year opens as of November 1 of the current year. For example, if your earliest term student record is for Winter, 2025, you will be able to provide your SIN as of November 1, 2024.

Why am I being asked to provide my SIN when I accept an offer of admission (domestic applicant)?

Effective as of the 2024 application cycle, domestic applicants may also voluntarily provide their SIN on their ontariocolleges.ca application at the point of accepting an offer. Providing your SIN on your application is not required to accept an offer of admission. SIN collected through ontariocolleges.ca are collected for the express purpose of issuing a tax form (T2202 or T4A). Your SIN can still be provided directly to Mohawk College securely via MyMohawk. Applicants who provide their SIN through ontariocolleges.ca but do not ultimately attend Mohawk College will have their SIN purged from their Mohawk record. Your SIN is retained by ontariocolleges.ca for 14 days.

What if I get an error when attempting to access the SIN collection application?

If you receive an error indicating you do not have permission, you may not be actively logged in or are using the wrong username. Ensure you are logged out completely of any Mohawk applications including MyMohawk. To confirm you are completely signed out you will be prompted to sign in again. Ensure you are logging in to MyMohawk using your MohawkID (e.g. 000101060 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (000101060[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)). If you are not prompted you may still be signed in. You may need to clear your cache and close your browser.

What if I did not provide my SIN when registering for a CE course?

You will be prompted to enter your SIN when attempting to register in a CE course to ensure your fees are assessed correctly at the time of payment. If you elect to not provide your SIN you may be assessed international fees for a CE course. If you do not provide your SIN at the time of registration you will not be able to provide it using the steps above without a student record. Contact cereg [at] mohawkcollege.ca (cereg[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Once you have a student record and are set up as a domestic student you will be able to log in to MyMohawk to provide your SIN and proceed with registration.

What does it mean to verify my SIN?

Verifying your SIN means you have followed the steps above and that the SIN presented to you is correct. The first six digits are masked. Only the last three digits are visible. If you believe the SIN on file is correct no further action is required to verify. You will not immediately be able to get a T2202 with your SIN. Contact taxformt2202 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) to request an amended T2202 if you received the SIN missing message. This means you provided your SIN after the T2202 was prepared for the relevant tax year.

How do I access a T2202 once I have provided my SIN?

For more information on how to access your T2202 via MyMohawk and timelines for when certificates are issued, visit the Income Tax Forms web page.

What if the SIN on file is incorrect or has changed?

If your SIN on file appears to be incorrect or has changed please contact taxformt2202 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). Please include your name and MohawkID in your e-mail. Do NOT provide your SIN in any correspondence. You may need to reach out to Human Resources directly if you are a current or past employee and/or student employee to change your SIN.

What if I choose to not provide my SIN?

If your SIN is not on file when your T2202 is prepared you will encounter an missing SIN message. If you elect to not provide the SIN a tax form is still prepared and sent to the CRA. Click ok to continue to retrieve your T2202 or contact taxformt2202 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) for assistance.

Does Mohawk keep my SIN after my T2202 certificate is issued?

Mohawk College will retain your SIN on your student account for a minimum of six years from the end of the last tax year for which a certificate was issued in accordance with CRA policy on record retention. You SIN may be held longer if it is collected and used for other purposes. Visit the Social Insurance Number (SIN) Collection web page for further information regarding SIN collection.

Who can I contact for more information?

Contact taxformt2202 [at] mohawkcollege.ca (taxformt2202[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) for issues related to downloading your certificate, questions about claimable amounts or months, incorrect name or mailing address, or SIN number (T2202 only). If you have questions regarding your SIN for scholarships or bursaries please refer to the Financial Assistance web page.

Please include your name and MohawkID in any e-mail correspondence. Do NOT provide your SIN in any email correspondence.