Kendra Gregson

Kendra Gregson

Alumni of Distinction

Kendra Gregson

Award Category
Applied Arts
Award Year
Program of Study
Child and Youth Worker
Graduation Year

Kendra has travelled the world to ensure adequate protection for children, adolescents, adults and seniors. Her career has taken her to Canada, Argentina, the Balkans, Cambodia, Georgia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and the United States, where she worked with NGOs, international finance institutions, governments, and multi-lateral organisations. At the time of receiving the Premier’s Award she was in Bosnia-Herzegovina where, at the height of the war she led a team to provide medical, psycho-social, home and material care to those most affected by the conflict. Kendra is currently working with the United Nations Children’s Fund in South Asia, to protect children from violence. Honoured many times, Kendra received the Prime Minister’s 1985 Canada Day Award for Excellence for work in Peace, Participation and Development. In 1997, it was the Award of Merit from the Anglican Church of Canada and in 1998, the Canadian YMCA Peace Medal.

Learn more about Kendra Gregson's career journey

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