
The week of October 24th the college community celebrated Diwali, also known as the festival of lights. It was an amazing showcase of art and talent. Beginning with a Rangoli contest where students expressed themselves through beautiful patterns, followed by Mehndi designs and by the Diwali talent show. Student, alumni and staff performers displayed their multiple talents by singing and dancing.  Joy, energy and enthusiasm filled the McIntyre Theater. This event was hosted by the Language and Culture Centre (LCC), International and Partnerships. Our sincere thank you to the Mohawk community for their enthusiasm and engagement; for making the Diwali talent show a success.

During the festivities, 18 volunteers assisted the LCC in making the events possible, in total they completed 44 hours of co-curricular activities. Showcasing their talent on stage or in the Rangoli competition, another 39 students were part of the celebrations that attracted approximately 430 attendees.

All students participating in this event should abide by the Student Behaviour Policy.


What is Diwali?

Diwali is one of the biggest festivals out of all Hindu festivals, celebrated all over the world. This festival symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness and marks the harvest season and the new year celebrations in the Indian sub-continent; however, different faith traditions have their own origin stories and significance

When is Diwali?

Diwali is observed on the 15th day of Kartik, the holiest month in the Hindu lunar calendar. In the Gregorian calendar,  it means the exact date will usually fall from mid-October to mid-November. In 2022 Diwali is on October 24th.

What is the festival about?

Each religion marks different historical events and stories. Hindus celebrate the return of deities, Rama and Sita, to Ayodhya after their 14-year exile. They also celebrate the day Mother Goddess Durga destroyed a demon called Mahisha. Sikhs particularly celebrate the release from prison of the sixth guru Hargobind Singh in 1619, Jains honour a spiritual leader’s nirvana attainment, while some Buddhist population marks the commemoration of the day when Emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism

Where is the festival celebrated?

Although India has a huge majority of the population celebrating Diwali, it is also equally marked with importance in many other countries around the world including Fiji, Guyana, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.


Past Diwali Celebrations at Mohawk

Diwali 2019


Diwali 2018



Diwali 2022 Photo Gallery