Alexandra Butty

Alexandra Butty's portrait.
Alexandra Butty
alexandra.butty [at] (alexandra[dot]butty[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Community Studies

Alexandra Butty is faculty in the Child and Youth Care (CYC) and Career Pathways programs. She has previously served as both the Academic and Field Placement Coordinator of the CYC program and Program Coordinator of the Human Services Foundation Program. Prior to her career at Mohawk, Alexandra worked in children's mental health, both in residential and day treatment settings. She has experience working with parents, children and youth in facilitating anger management, social and life skills, as well as parenting programs. 

Alexandra has been trained in safeTALK, Mental Health First Aid and CBT/DBT. She has recently completed professional development opportunities through St. Clair College. Alexandra co-created a Therapeutic Play Activity manual that is currently being used in the CYC program at Mohawk College. Alexandra is a long-standing professional member of the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care (OACYC).