Here to help you with Accommodations
Accessible Learning Services is committed to providing equal opportunity, individualized accommodations and supports to students with disabilities.

Who can access services
Whether you identify with experiencing mental health challenges, medical diagnoses, or identify with a disability, we meet students in a safe space, where they frame their own, unique lived experience.

How we can help
Our team is here to support you from beginning to end. Learn about our free services, including labs, counselling and accommodated testing.

Register with us
Registering with Student Accessibility Services for help with free accommodation planning support, referrals for assessment, tutoring and more.

Accommodations help students with disabilities get equal opportunity meet the essential requirements for their and course and program.

Accommodate Online System
Access Accommodate to share your Accommodation Letter, Request new accommodations, or book an appointment.

Quizzes, Tests, and Exams
Whether it's accommodated testing, assessments for success, pre-admission testing, or missed/makeup testing the Mohawk College Testing Centre is here to help.
Student success stories
Accessible Learning Services is committed to providing equal opportunity, individualized accommodations, and supports to students with disabilities.
From Ideal Employees to Industrious Entrepreneurs: How Students with Disabilities Thrive in the Workforce
How the skills developed by students with disabilities serve them in in the workforce, including Andrew, a graduate of the Electrician Construction and Maintenance program who went on to start his own business.
Contact us
Email: als [at] (als[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Phone: 905-575-2122
Fennell Campus
Stoney Creek Campus
Institute for Applied Health Sciences at McMaster