Computer Systems Technician - Software Support (Mississauga Campus - International Only) - 680

Ontario College Diploma
Two years
From web apps to systems analysis and database design, learn to troubleshoot and develop software applications.

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Program Highlights

  • An excellent introduction to software development and supporting software applications, this program covers key topics including a variety of programming languages, web application development, systems analysis, database design, quality assurance testing, technical writing, and communication skills.

What you'll learn

  • Gain experience and knowledge with a broad range of experience in software application development, database management systems and development tools.
  • Explore:
    • Web languages including HTML, JavaScript (Ajax, JSON), PHP and ASP.NET
    • Programming languages including Python, Java and C#
    • Database architecture using MySQL
    • Tools and frameworks including IntelliJ, Visual Studio and MVC
    • Project planning
    • Technical writing and presentations
    • Systems/business analysis

Before you begin first semester in the Computer Science and Information Technology department you can visit our New CSAIT Students page to learn about software you can install and tutorials to help you hit the ground running.

Program Length

2 academic years (4 academics semesters), plus co-op


  • OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk Academic Upgrading, GED) including:
    • Grade 12 English, C or U or equivalent
    • Grade 12 Mathematics, MAP4C ≥ 60%; or MCT4C; or any U or equivalent
  • A working knowledge in computers and desktop applications is required for success in this program

Options are available for mature applicants.

Language Requirements for Applicants with English as a Second Language

Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English.

Tuition and Fees

2023 - 2024 International Tuition and Fees

DescriptionSemester 1Semester 2
Total Tuition & Ancillary Fee$8,355.00$8,355.00
Co-op Fees$221.67$242.78
Program Compulsory Fees$0.00$0.00
International Tax Recovery$450.00$375.00
Total International Per Semester
without Co-op
Total International Per Semester
with Co-op
Total 1st Year Fees (Non Co-op)$17,535.00
Total 1st Year Fees (Co-op)$17,999.45

If you pay by wire transfer, please note your bank might charge you a fee to transfer money. Make sure your transfer includes the Mohawk payment and the wire transfer fee. This applies to each wire transfer payment you make.

Additional Information

Course Overview & Descriptions

Click on the course title for a course description.

Experiential Learning

How you'll gain skills

  • Test and apply course concepts using industry-relevant software in our labs/classrooms.
  • Gain valuable experience during co-op work terms.

To learn more, please visit the Centre for Experiential Learning.

Co-op Format (Fall Intake)

September to December  January to April May to August
Semester 1 Semester 2 Break 
Semester 3 Work Term 1 (Co-op) Work Term 2 (Co-op)
Semester 4    

Co-op Format (Winter Intake)

January to April  May to August September to December
Semester 1 Semester 2 Break 
Semester 3 Work Term 1 (Co-op) Work Term 2 (Co-op)
Semester 4    

Co-op Format (Spring Intake)

May to August  September to December January to April
Semester 1 Semester 2 Break 
Semester 3 Work Term 1 (Co-op) Work Term 2 (Co-op)
Semester 4    

Co-op Delivery and Fees

This program has an optional co-op, as part of the program of study.

The annual co-op fee structure can be found on the Tuition and Fees page.

For questions, please contact the Program Coordinator listed at the bottom of the webpage. 

Work Term Capabilities

(which do not reflect individual experiences & exposures) 

  • Database - SQL
  • Web technologies - HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP
  • Software Development/Programming - Python, Java, C#
  • Operating Systems - Windows, Unix
  • Testing and Quality Assurance
  • Help Desk Support
  • User Training

Career Opportunities

  • Software Quality Assurance Tester
  • Junior Software Application Developer
  • Junior Web Developer (PHP/ASP.NET/React)
  • Junior React Native Developer
  • Junior Full-Stack Web Developer
  • Business Systems Support
  • Database Support
  • Technical Writer
  • Help Desk Support
Co-op Pay Range Co-op Pay Average
Range: $15.50/hour - $22.50/hour Average: $19.00

For further information, please contact:

Navreet Singh
Email: navreet.singh [at] (subject: Computer%20Systems%20Technician%20-%20Network%20Support%20Inquiry) (Navreet Singh )

Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes, often referred to as ‘Program Standards', set out the essential learning that a student must achieve before being deemed ready to graduate.

In many cases these program learning outcomes were developed by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) in consultation with employers and educators who are experts in the program field. To ensure the outcomes remain current and in line with industry needs, we invite our employers, graduates working in the field and current students to re-examine and update them during regular, ongoing program review focus groups.

Career Opportunities

Your future career options

  • Software Quality Assurance Tester
  • Junior Software Application Developer
  • Junior Web Developer (PHP/ASP.NET/React)
  • Junior React Native Developer
  • Junior Full-Stack Web Developer
  • Business Systems Support
  • Database Support
  • Technical Writer
  • Help Desk Support

Where you could work includes

  • Technical and Information Services
  • Professional Business and Financial Services
  • Health Care Services
  • Manufacturing Services
  • Government and Education Services

Tech requirements


We recommend that all computers purchased include the following items:

  • A built-in ethernet port.
  • A solid-state hard drive (SSD).
  • A built-in webcam.
  • Built-in microphone and speakers or headphones.
  • 2 hours of battery life.
  • 2-year warranty. 


Course TypeNon-IT Related ProgramsIT Related Programs
Processori5 to i7 or equivalent processori5 to i7 or equivalent processor
Memory (RAM)16GB or more32GB or more
Hard Drive (SSD)500GB or larger capacity SSD1000GB (1TB) or larger capacity SSD
USB Port1 full-size USB Port1 full-size USB Port
Graphics CardHigh-end graphics dedicated video
High-end graphics dedicated video
WirelessWireless 802.11acWireless 802.11ac
Operating SystemWindows 11 Windows 11

Note: We do not recommend using a MacBook, as software required may not be compatible with Mac OS and applications may not behave the same way as they do in Windows. If you use a MacBook, please make sure that you have Windows installed as your operating system. Chromebooks are not supported.

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