Ian DeGeer

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Ian DeGeer
ian.degeer [at] mohawkcollege.ca (ian[dot]degeer[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)

Ian DeGeer is a part-time instructor in the Social Service Program and the Field Placement Coordinator for all deliveries. Ian has been employed in child welfare and has focused his clinical work on engaging men who use violence in their relationships. More recently, Ian’s research and work has focused on understanding how systems respond to gender-based violence and building collaborative responses within communities. He is also interested in fatherhood and the ways that men are engaged by service providers.

Ian's education includes a BA/BSW from McMaster University, an MSW from the University of British Columbia and his PhD in Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University. He hopes that his passion for education come through to his students at Mohawk College where he teaches Social Policy and Law, and Introduction to Social Service Work and other opportunities that present themselves.