Naritta Divjak

Naritta Divjak portrait
Naritta Divjak
naritta.divjak [at] (naritta[dot]divjak[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Field Placement Specialist, Allied Health

Naritta is the full-time Field Placement Specialist for the Recreation Therapy program while also teaching part-time in the program since 2017. She is a Recreation Therapist registered with Therapeutic Recreation Ontario. Prior to her career at Mohawk, College Naritta worked in Health Care Management for over a decade overseeing the Recreation Therapy & Support Services Department in a Long Term Care Home. She has also worked in Mental Health, Hospitals, Behavioural Health, Palliative Care, and Retirement Homes. She is dedicated to supporting students through their practicum experience through relationship building and by providing encouragement and guidance to achieve success as a Recreation Therapy professional.