Lyndsey Wasilik: Graphic Design grad secures job with winning design

While a Graphic Design student, Lyndsey Wasilik ‘20 had the unique opportunity to create a winning design. This one project would lead to her eventual employment upon graduation.  

As part of the Graphic Design program, Lyndsey worked with The Agency, an on-campus space that brings students from a variety of programs together to work on real-world projects for local businesses. Lyndsey and her classmates were assigned the task of creating a new logo for Thomas Cole Inc. (TCI) 

Climate Change Leaders logo

The logo would be used in the launch of a new multi-partnered initiative, Climate Change Leaders, in 2020. 

“[Climate Change Leaders] is a learning partnership focused on transforming public buildings to a carbon-neutral, according to their website. 

As a result of the work she did as a student, Lyndsey was recruited for a job with the lead organization, Thomas Cole Inc. (TCI). “All I can say is The Agency works,” says Lyndsey, reminiscing about  her success in meeting her future employer through the practical experience. 

Her position with TCI began as purely graphic design work but quickly evolved to include communications. Today, she is their marketing and sales coordinator. “I help to create everything from proposals to blog posts to social media content,” she says.  

Looking back on the last few years, the project she is most proud of is, of course, the logo she and her team created for TCI as students. Not only did it launch her career path with the company, but it also helped Lyndsey feel confident in her skills and the field she had chosen to pursue. “The process for the Climate Change Leaders logo showed me that I can actually do this,” she says. 

As she continues to grow in her career, Lyndsey says, My goal is to always be working for a company that shares the same values as I do. I want to be somewhere when I am proud to work, with people I am proud to work with, and I feel like I’ve already accomplished that.” 

Her advice to anyone considering continuing their education is to “chase what you want to do and not necessarily what you [are] easily good at.” While in school she chose the illustration stream instead of the digital print stream, even though she knew she would need to work harder at developing her design skills. The extra hard work paid off and she is proud of all she’s been able to accomplish.  

By Meaghan Drury ‘12