College is a keystone moment in your life. Not only are you entering a new phase of your education to accomplish your goals, but you're embarking on a journey of self-discovery.
Although it's easy to get wrapped up in academics, remember that college isn't just about your classes. It's also about socializing, building new relationships and getting involved with student life.
Many students know the benefits of forming new friendships with classmates but don't realize the life-changing possibilities that getting involved with student organizations and events can provide. It can create a significant impact not just on their college experience, but after college as well.
Since becoming a student at Mohawk, Jaffar has gotten involved with the Mohawk Student Association (MSA). His involvement began with a club he created for international students. “I made a club with the MSA. It’s a club that focuses on international students,” said Jaffar. “According to the MSA club and community representative, this club has the highest member formation for this type of club. That number doubled this semester.”
Jaffar plans to remain in the club after graduating, and he aims to help people who are in the position he found himself in when he first came to Canada, not knowing anything and with no one to turn to. “I'm in my final semester, and one of my main focuses for this club was that even after we graduate, we'll be part of the club and we'll try to help the people who don’t know where to turn to for help,” said Jaffar. “The same thing happened to me when I came here, I didn’t know anything about Mohawk College or life in Canada. We want to be there for them.”
His club led him to do more work with the MSA. He loves helping people, and this job lets him do what he loves. “I've got a position at an MSA Service Desk, and I love communicating with different types of people. Being there, I get to know more and more people and their troubles,” said Jaffar.
Jaffar is thankful for the position he’s in, allows him the opportunity to serve as the guide he wishes he had when he first came to Mohawk College. “I get to be there to help people like myself when I first started,” said Jaffar. It’s like I’m sitting there and there's a mirror in front of me and I'm seeing myself whenever someone is asking me a question.”
Joining the student association or a club gives you the chance to connect with students you may not had the opportunity to connect with otherwise. It allows you to expand your network and learn critical leadership and social skills that you can take with you throughout your career.
Jaffar has been impressed by the MSA’s drive to create leaders out of students. “Behind every focus of the MSA on student life and other things, there’s a push to get students into leadership roles,” he said.
Open House is a great way for potential students to learn more about what life as a Mohawk College student looks like and different ways to get involved with student life. Jaffar recommends anyone considering Mohawk to check it out. “I advise potential students to go because they’ll learn more about the college as well as other resources and opportunities that can be useful to them,” he said.
As Jaffar looks towards his future and prepares for graduation, he has one piece of advice to share with students: have fun. “Enjoy yourself. Don't be too serious. I've seen so many students being too serious. They focus on studying to the point they forget to sleep, even eat. They say, ‘no, I need to complete this.’ Yeah, you can, and you can have something like a snack on the side and eat it and while you complete it. Studying is a type of fun, and if you make it fun, it'll be fun.