Raphaël Tétreault

Headshot of Raphael Tetreault
Raphaël Tétreault
raphael.tetreault [at] mohawkcollege.ca (raphael[dot]tetreault[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Program Coordinator, Game Design

Hi! I'm Raphaël, a Technical Game Designer most recently teaching game design and development with a demonstrated history of strong communication, critical thinking, and exceptional work ethic.

While at Sheridan College and working over 50 contracts, I have helped run and manage dozens of game and game research projects with external partners such as Certain Affinity, Gearbox, the York Regional Police, and the United Nations.

While being a professor, I have coordinated the final year of our Game Design program, mentored students, lead courses such as game economies, and more.

When I have the chance to apply my game design and development skills, I work with systems, using logical, critical, and design thinking to create engaging and deep player experiences. I'm always excited to learn new things and apply them to my process.