First Year Experience: Q&A Session

Graphic of group of students happily circled together.
Aug 31

Embarking on your college adventure? Curious about life on campus, college tips and tricks, and making the most of your freshman year? Look no further! Join us for an insightful Q&A session designed exclusively for first-year students.

📌 Register Now:

🔥 Why Attend?

🌠 Get Insider Insights: Our seasoned panel of upper-semester FYE Leaders will answer FAQs to help you thrive academically, socially, and personally during your transformative first year.

💬 Ask Anything: Bring your burning questions about classes, campus life, clubs, and more! Our FYE Leaders are ready to provide guidance to kickstart your college journey.

🎉 Engaging Interaction: Dive into interactive discussions, connect with fellow first-years, and forge friendships!

Don't miss out on this exhilarating opportunity to jumpstart your college experience with confidence and excitement!

Event Details

Online - Zoom
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