Wellness Group: Overcoming Perfectionism

Shooting star
Sep 27

This 4-part wellness series will teach you what is helpful and unhelpful about perfectionism, and support you towards realizing the impact perfectionism is having on your life. Throughout this series, you will learn strategies for reducing perfectionism, developing healthy standards, and creating a more balanced basis for judging your self-worth.

Join us in the Health and Wellness Centre (C109):

  • Wednesday, September 27 from 11am to 12pm
  • Wednesday, October 4 from 11am to 12pm
  • Wednesday, October 11 from 11am to 12pm
  • Wednesday, October 18 from 11am to 12pm

Register online or contact: studentwellness [at] mohawkcollege.ca (studentwellness[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)


Event Details

Fennell Campus, Room C109
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