Chantel Rizzo: Office Administration grad helps heal community with a smile

After a successful high school co-op placement, Chantel Rizzo ‘22 knew she was meant for the medical field. She took her next step towards a fulfilling career by applying to Mohawk.

“I chose Mohawk College because they are a widely credited community college in Ontario,” she says. “I also lived very close to the campus I attended, so it was quite convenient.”

While working in a physiotherapy clinic for her high school co-op, Chantel did a bit of everything. This is what motivated her to apply to the administrative side of health services.

“It just appealed to my interest the most,” she says. “Office administration in the health field is increasingly important these days.”

Mohawk’s Office Administration – Health Services program trains students to become an important member of the health services industry with a specialized understanding of medical office practices, terminology, electronic medical records and more.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continued, Chantel realized how integral her chosen career path was. Her heart was set on the environment she wanted to work in prior to graduation, but the state of local health at that time only solidified her choice.

Chantel says, “My main aspiration while I was a student at Mohawk was to be employed in a hospital setting by the end of 2022. Upon graduating, I was able to reach my goal.”

Though Chantel did not have the opportunity to complete a placement while at Mohawk due to the pandemic, she was able to find gainful employment within four weeks of getting her diploma. This is a milestone she is quite proud of.

“I never thought in a million years that I would reach my end of the year goal within a month,” she says. “I’m grateful to Mohawk for teaching me the skills to land a steady job.”

Today, Chantel works as administrative support for the cardiology department at St. Joseph’s Health System. She feels privileged to work with the local community in an impactful way.

“I love being able to help those in need. Being the patients’ first point of contact when coming in for their appointment can make or break their appointment. Making every patient feel like they are the priority helps them feel welcomed and comfortable,” she says.

As one of Mohawk’s Future Ready Premium Employers, St. Joseph’s Health System is dedicated to training future ready graduates for the evolving healthcare workforce. Over 160 Mohawk alumni are currently employed with hospitals in the St. Joseph’s network and over 600 co-op placements were completed within the last calendar year. The employer also supports student awards and partners in collaboration projects such as City School.

Healthcare continues to need more people working in every aspect of the industry. Chantel has some important takeaways for folks looking to build a career in the healthcare field.

“Build your communicational skills. Not only will you have to interact with patients, but you also have to be able to communicate professionally to your co-workers as well,” she says. “Being able to have compassion and sympathy for your patients is also key. Sometimes, you will have a flustered patient come to your office and be rude. As easy as it is to get angry, it's your job to be kind and caring and sympathetic to all walks of life.”

Chantel is a great example of healing people with smiles, and hopes more people get involved in healthcare so they can do the same.