Join guest lecturer Yannis Charalabidis, PhD
from University of the Aegean
This lecture makes an introduction to the Digital Governance research and practice domain. In a historical and technology timeline, it provides the definitions and describes the main objectives of the three generations of Digital Governance: from digital public services, to open and collaborative governance, to evidence-based decision making. In the second part, the lecture provides analysis of the utilization of Artificial Intelligence in the public sector and offers some typical and visionary examples. Finally, it offers insights on the latest European Union AI Act, the framework which aims at regulating Artificial Intelligence for ethical use in Europe and beyond.
Tuesday, May 7 | 1 - 2:30 pm
Mohawk College, Fennell Campus
Location: EA015
Registration link: Here is the RSVP link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=nCuYr0ZnG0OBvsOt4i1W8NKSdjA38WVIrHK64JxPVWBUM1EzODEzTUZQU1BIQVRFR0o4TU1XSEpHRy4u