Social Inc is hosting a Film Recommendation double feature.
All Mohawk College students can access this film for free through CBC Radio and YouTube.
"Protactile communication is 'reinventing everything"
John Lee Clark is an award-winning American poet, author, and teacher who is deafblind. On CBC's The Sunday Magazine, John Lee Clark shares his perspective on the emergence of Protactile, the touch-based language.
Sensitive Content Warning: This film has content that may be sensitive and triggering. Viewer discretion advised.
Listen to "Protactile communication is 'reinventing everything" here.
"DeafBlind Theater Group Gives ProTactile Performances in Austin"
"Meet the ProTactile Theatre, a Seattle-based DeafBlind performing group that gives Protactile performances for all audiences."
Sensitive Content Warning: This film has content that may be sensitive and triggering. Viewer discretion advised.
Watch "DeafBlind Theater Group Gives ProTactile Performances in Austin" here.