Bodies: The Social Conversation

Cartoon woman hugging herself

Crushing beauty myths and embracing your awesome self! The media sets such a high standard of beauty that many people find themselves struggling with their body image. They believe they can be thinner, prettier, or stronger, which can lead to obsessive dieting, weight prejudice, and exercise preoccupation. This has a direct impact on a person’s self-esteem and makes it difficult to feel good about themselves as a whole. This course will explore the social construction of body image and the impact of the diet industry. It will also examine how society’s understanding of weight reinforces systems of privilege and oppression. Course topics will include diet culture, the body positivity movement, weight stigma on social media, and being healthy at any size. The goal will be to identify factors that contribute to body image and to select strategies to improve body image.

This course is specifically for youth ages 16 to 25

Course Details

Course Delivery
Course Location
Youth Wellness Centre
Age Range(s)
Youth ages 16 to 25 years old
Course Dates
June 24 to September 5, 2024
Time of Day
12 pm to 2 pm
No cost to learners (fully subsidized)


Bodies: The Social Conversation (Course Code: SSCI 10083) is a postsecondary course. Participants who complete this course will fulfill the postsecondary course requirement for the College Fundamentals Certificate

Bodies: The Social Conversation (Course Code: SSCI 10083) is a General Education course and can be applied to various Mohawk College programs.


Those who meet the following criteria are eligible to take City School courses:

  • Youth ages 16 to 25 only for this course
  • Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons / refugee claimants with notice of decision
  • For online courses, those living within Ontario; for in-person courses, those living within the community in which the course(s) is being offered.
  • If English is not your first language, Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) Level 5 or higher is recommended

Note: High school completion is not a requirement. 

We welcome applications from all those interested in City School, but please note that priority will be given to those who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • have no or limited postsecondary education (i.e., Not having previously completed an apprenticeship, and/or a certificate, diploma, and/or a degree at a college or university)

  • currently unemployed or underemployed (e.g., in receipt of Employment Insurance)
  • in receipt of social assistance (e.g., Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program)
  • living in a low-income household

Should class registration not be full by the application deadline, applicants who do not meet priority criteria will be considered on a chronological basis.


Who is not eligible?

  • Anyone who will be taking a post-secondary course or program, at Mohawk College or any other educational institution, will not be eligible to register for City School courses at the same time.
  • Anyone who is only granted permission to be in the country on a temporary basis (e.g. visitor’s visa).

We do our best to make case-by-case considerations.

Students can earn up to two (2) free postsecondary credits plus College 101 through City School.


Phone: 905-575-2489
Email: cityschool [at] (cityschool[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)