How to Apply for Full-time Student Awards

Important Guidelines

  • The Scholarships and Bursaries Application contains 12 pages and will take approximately 1 hour to complete
  • Write your application letter, download your CCR (optional), and fill out your budget form before starting your application
  • Apply for all available scholarships and bursaries by completing a Scholarships and Bursaries Application every semester
  • Check your Mohawk email for notifications and updates from Financial Assistance and Awards. All communications and updates will be sent to your Mohawk College email only.
  • For all Financial Assistance/Awards inquires, be sure to use your Mohawk email and include your full name and student number
  • We encourage students to also apply for external awards which are offered by outside organizations to increase their chances of receiving awards during the semester

On this page:


Domestic Students

For domestic full-time students, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, Protected Person.
  • Have lived in Canada for the past 12 consecutive months and/or have lived in Ontario for the past 12 consecutive months.
  • Must be registered with a full-time course load in a post-secondary or apprenticeship program by the application deadline.
  • Returning students to Mohawk must have a successful previous academic record of 60% or greater.
  • An academic integrity infraction may impact your eligibility.
  • Co-op students are eligible for a limited number of awards due to funding availability.

International Students

For international full-time students, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be registered with a full-time course load by the application deadline.
  • Returning students to Mohawk must have a successful previous academic record of 60% or greater.
  • An academic integrity infraction may impact your eligibility.
  • Co-op students are eligible for a limited number of awards due to funding availability.

MoMac Students

  • BScN 731 or RPN to BScN 755 students may apply.
  • Must be registered with a full-time course load (11 units minimum) by the application deadline.
  • An academic integrity infraction may impact your eligibility.
  • All other MoMac program students need to apply at their home institutions.

Continuing Education Students

How to Apply for Full-Time Awards in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Write your application letter
    To be considered for the majority of awards, an application letter uploaded into your Scholarships and Bursaries Application is required. Download the Application Letter Helpful Tips (PDF) for advice about what to include in your letter.
  2. Download your Co-Curricular Record (optional)
    Your Co-Curricular Record (CCR) (opens in new window) is a non-academic transcript where students can track on and off-campus community involvement such as volunteering and leadership opportunities. Many of our awards require volunteer experience. Your CCR can include verified volunteer involvement and will assist us in reviews for those awards.
  3. Prepare your budget
    Download the Budget Form (Excel) to assist you with filling in the budget section of the Scholarships and Bursaries Application. You do not need to submit your budget form.
  4. Complete your Scholarships and Bursaries Application
    Click the "apply now" button below to begin your Scholarships and Bursaries Application and apply for all available awards this semester.
    • For the best experience, please use Firefox or Chrome browsers to complete your application. Safari is not compatible with our process.
    • Use your budget form to fill in the budget section of the application.
    • Your application letter and co-curricular record will only be accepted through the Scholarships and Bursaries Application.
    • If you submit an application but need to make an adjustment, you will need to submit another application with any changes before the closing date. We will review your last submission.
  5. Check your Mohawk College email for updates from Awards
    Once you have submitted your Scholarships and Bursaries Application, you will receive an email confirmation to the Mohawk email you have indicated in your application. Keep this email for your records.
    Please note that all communications and updates from Awards will be sent to your Mohawk College email only.

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Tip: Please pay close attention to the application deadline dates. Failure to respond by the submission deadline will result in your application being removed from reviews and/or may result in funding availability being rescinded.


Contact Financial Assistance

Questions about your financial options? Contact financialassistance [at] (Financial Assistance).

Follow us on social media for the latest financial news, tips, and financial literacy resources.

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