Mohawk College Terminal
The Mohawk College Terminal is the central hub for transit at Fennell Campus. The Terminal includes bus bays, heated shelters, and platforms serving HSR routes 20, 21, 33 and 35. The terminal provides a positive commuting experience for thousands of staff, students and visitors who choose transit to get to campus.
See Bus Pass and Transit Information
Active Transportation
The benefits of active transportation include saving money on transportation, better health and a more positive commuter experience. We're proud of our bike and pedestrian-friendly campus, designed to provide safe, convenient movement for students walking to and from the college or between classes. Mohawk Sustainability offers annual events and programs to support active transportation and cycling.
Shared Mobility
Shared mobility platforms allow people the freedom to access a car, bicycle or other transportation mode only when they need it, creating more flexibility in the way they get around. Shared mobility reduces or eliminates the need for ownership, and is a more affordable option for many people. Mohawk's on-campus Zipcar vehicles is an example of shared mobility at the college.
Want to save money on gas and parking? Form a carpool and take turns driving to campus. Parking pass splitting is available and applies to all parking spaces at Fennell and Stoney Creek campuses.
Need some support with forming a carpool? Worried about how you'd get home in an emergency? View carpooling tips and resources.
Electric Vehicle Charging
Mohawk has 16 electric vehicle charging stations at the Fennell and Stoney Creek campuses. Charging rates of $3.00 per hour apply. You may only park in front of the charging station while your car is charging and must have paid for parking during that time.
For more information, contact parking [at] mohawkcollege.ca (parking[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)