Enhance your career-ready skills with FREE online modules. Complete all five to earn the Future Ready Premium Program Student Micro-Certificate.
Future Ready Premium Program Student Micro-Certificate
Learn how to take the skills and knowledge you’ve gathered throughout your work, volunteer and educational experiences and present them to your future employer.
Available to current students and recent alumni (up to one year following graduation), this FREE program covers:
- Employability Skills
- The Job Search
- Professional Communication
- Professional Brand
- Professional Competencies
- Exclusive Information about our Premium Employers
Students who complete all five required modules will receive a micro-certificate and gain access to job search advising after graduation.
To receive support with Future Ready Premium Program course learning materials and activities:
Contact the Student & Graduate Employment Team: careercentre [at] mohawkcollege.ca (careercentre[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
College-student-employer relationship redefined
Mohawk has joined forces with leading employers in the Hamilton Region to create the Future Ready Premium Employer Program. This initiative is designed to more actively engage industry and community partners in the training of job-ready college graduates.
Enrolled students will have opportunities to network with local employers.
Explore the Future Ready Premium Program modules
Module 1: Employability Skills
The purpose of Module 1 is to help you develop the skills and knowledge you will need throughout your career. You will develop an understanding of your accomplishments and interests and how they impact your skills. You will learn how the skills you possess impact the value you offer to employers.
To accomplish this, you will complete a career self-assessment; reflect on your skills, accomplishments and interests; and create a plan for further developing your employability skills. You will define your transferable skills to better understand their value.
Module 2: The Job Search
The purpose of Module 2 is to learn job search strategies, understand the components of a resume, cover letter and reference page, and develop resume and cover letter writing skills.
To accomplish this, you will reflect on your current and future academic and career journey to create a job search goal and plan. You will develop a resume and cover letter by reflecting on your past experiences in order to translate these experiences into accomplishments.
Module 3: Professional Communication
The purpose of Module 3 is to develop an understanding of the ‘professional voice’ in verbal, non-verbal, and written workplace communication. You will gain skills necessary for communicating with different levels in an organization.
To accomplish this, you will participate in a simulation learning activity that replicates a real-life scenario in which you practice using your ‘professional voice’. Within the simulation, you will take instruction, initiate collaboration, and use conflict management strategies to deal with uncomfortable situations.
Module 4: Professional Brand and The Interview
The purpose of Module 4 is to develop an understanding of how to create your “professional brand”. You will consider the benefits of developing an ePortfolio and gain an understanding of how networking can be an effective job search strategy. You will also gain the necessary skills to prepare for and complete a successful interview.
To accomplish this, you will reflect on your personal brand, aligning it to your online presence; develop networking strategies including preparing a 30-second elevator pitch; and develop personalized responses to common interview questions by applying the Situation, Task, Action, Response (STAR) method.
Module 5: Professional Competencies
The purpose of Module 5 is to review key learning from Modules 1 to 4 in order to develop an understanding of what you need to know and do to be successful when starting your career. You will reflect on areas for growth and plan for engaging in continuous learning and professional development. You will make connections between the Future Ready Premium Program, your academic studies and career goals.
To accomplish this, you will identify different workplace cultures in practice; set relevant and attainable professional development goals; develop a professional development plan; and create a representation of the connection between Future Ready Premium Program learning, classroom learning, and future career goals. You will describe a plan for implementing new learning from the Future Ready Premium Program.
Module 6: Premium Employers
Module 6 is a unique resource available only to Mohawk College students and recent graduates enrolled in the Future Ready Premium Program micro-certificate course. These modules provide an insider view of our Future Ready Premium Program Employer Partners:
- Learn about each organization's vision, mission, and values
- Discover their commitments to sustainability, equity, diversity, and inclusion
- Explore fun facts about the company and their history
- Consider the unique professional development opportunities these companies offer their employees
We recommend reviewing these employer modules before formally connecting with any of the employer partners. The content will give you a distinct advantage during networking or interviewing opportunities. Our employer partners have generously shared this information with our team to support your career development. We hope you will take full advantage of this fantastic career development resource!
We also encourage you to review each employer module, even the employers that may seem outside of your academic program or industry. Remember - every organization hires for many different roles, not just one. Be Future Ready by increasing your knowledge of a diverse range of industries and organizations, including our Future Ready Premium Program employer partners.