Research. Solutions. And everything in between.
CSSIC has implemented and supported over $5 million in funded research projects in partnership with over 20 postsecondary institutions and industry collaborators.
Supported with funding from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council on behalf of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Future Skills Centre, the Centre is leading Ontario colleges in the design, implementation, assessment, and evaluation of innovative interventions throughout the student lifecycle that improve student success. The work of the Centre aims to foster a more collaborative, supportive college system that is uniquely focused on, and informed by, rigorous evidence about what works in supporting student success.
Three foundational pillars underpin and guide the work of the Centre:
Innovation through continuous research and refinement of interventions that improve student outcomes, such as rates of retention and graduation.
Capacity Building
Capacity building through faculty mentorship, research partnerships, and replication studies.
Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge sharing through an annual symposium, research reports and institutional, regional, national, and international conference presentations.
Over the past decade, Mohawk College has made strategic commitments to promoting student success with the publication of our Student Success Plan (2012), Student Success Policy Framework (2016) and our institutional strategic plans (2016-2021, 2022-2025). This expertise forms the foundation of the CSSIC — Canada’s first research centre on a college campus uniquely focused on community college student success.