Workforce Partnerships

Service Update: February 2025

Mohawk College has made the difficult decision to discontinue its role as a service provider for the Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) and Community Employment Services (CES) provincially-funded programs. 

Job Seeker Information

If you are a registered job seeker, we are working with Fedcap Canada to transfer your file to a local service provider partner who is ready and eager to assist you in achieving your employment goals. You will soon receive an email from your new service provider with the next steps.

To access free Employment Ontario Employment Service support, please contact Fedcap Canada at 289-246-9063. They will connect you with a service provider to ensure you have the support and resources required as you navigate pre-employment.  

Employer Information 

Please connect with one of the following initiatives to support your human resource needs. 

Mohawk College: Industry and Employers Resources

Partnering with Mohawk College means having access to the top talent for hire, as well as state of the art facilities to train your workforce. As an industry partner, your voice helps shape the training of future employees to meet the unique needs of your business. 

Fedcap Canada

The service system manager for the Employment Ontario Employment Services contract in the Hamilton, Haldimand-Norfolk, Niagara, and Brant communities leverages their network of service delivery providers to match your business with qualified, motivated, trained, and supported candidates.

Have questions?

Connect with us at CES [at] (CES[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or call 905-575-2177


Providing employment programs and services to job seekers by introducing them to sustainable careers and connecting them with employers to support economic development in our community.