Faculty and Staff Mo' Money Workshop

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Please select the workshop that best suits your need
Will equip incoming students with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage their college finances, navigate financial aid options, and develop a personalized plan to afford their education without undue stress.
Will provide international students with essential knowledge and practical skills to navigate the Canadian financial system, manage their finances responsibly, and build a strong financial foundation during their time in Canada.
This workshop will empower students with the essential knowledge and tools to establish a robust financial foundation, fostering informed decision-making, responsible financial habits, and effective money management throughout their academic journey and beyond.
The goal of this workshop is to prepare graduating students with the essential financial knowledge and skills needed to confidently transition into post-college life, including budgeting for living expenses, understanding job benefits, and planning for future financial goals.
Will provide students with essential budgeting tools and techniques, enabling them to create and maintain a personal budget, manage their income and expenses effectively and achieve financial goals with confidence.
The goal of this workshop is to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of credit and debt management, including the complexities of student loans, to help them make informed debt decisions, improve their credit scores, and develop strategies to avoid and manage the debt effectively.
This workshop will equip students with the essential knowledge and tools to develop effective saving strategies and make informed investment decisions, fostering long-term financial growth and security.
The date needs to be a minimum of 5 days from today
The date needs to be a minimum of 5 days from today