Because we are not born knowing how to manage money
This module was designed to introduce you to a variety of money management ideas and concepts to build your knowledge and give you confidence in taking control of your finances.
You will begin by learning about our 4 core money management pillars to get a better understanding of your own money personality and then you will start to identify your spending habits, work on creating realistic goals, plan for debt repayment and practice budget management. There are six sections, each spanning ten to fifteen minutes, and every section is packed with interactive learning material that concludes with a knowledge check quiz to confirm your understanding of the key concepts.

To access the Money Matters module:
- Log into your MyMohawk account
- Log into My Canvas
- Select Courses
- Select All Courses
- Select Money Matters, select join this course and enroll
- Select go to course offering for Money Matters and enter the module
If you encounter any issues during the module, including printing the certificate of completion, please contact Mo' Money at momoney [at] (momoney[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca).
Mo' Money Pro Tip
Did you know you can set up automatic transfers to your savings account
or to your debts through your bank?