Basic Education and Abuse Recognition (BEAR) Endowed Bursary

Basic Education and Abuse Recognition (BEAR) Bursary Endowment Award

Through his career as a general dentist in Hamilton, Dr. Frank Stechey has had a keen interest in forensic dentistry. He is known internationally for his efforts involving the recognition, detection, reporting and prevention of patient and victim abuse. This passion led him to the creation of PANDA (Prevent Abuse & Neglect through Dental Awareness) Ontario coalition, in 1996, followed by the BEAR program.

In lieu of fees for his presentations about these programs, Dr. Stechey requested that honorariums be directed to the BEAR bursary established at Mohawk College.

Since inception, the award has provided financial support to more than 13 students in need, and has heightened awareness of abuse. 

In April 2016, this award has been reviewed and amended to provide an even greater financial impact for students now and in the future.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can support Mohawk students through the awards program please contact:

Gena Dureault
Senior Development Officer, Awards & Planned Giving
Mohawk College Foundation
Phone: 905-575-2208
gena.dureault [at] (Email Gena)


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